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Y/n is roaming the streets of Seoul to try and get familar with the place. Lots of people were staring and whispering around her, Y/n decides to ignore it not going to  feed into the goss. Y/n sees a cafe, being pretty hungry she walks in. The cafe was cute and had a very cozy atmosphere. She looks around her ponytail swishing from side to side. Y/n walks up to the counter as people stare in awe. As she arrives at the counter a  certain boy with big ears is attending to her. "H-Hello maam, what can I g-get you?" Big ears stutters as his ears start turning a light shade of pink. "Oh hello, could I please get..." 'Wait a damn minute, aint that Jace?'  "Could I get a latte with chocolate syrup with whipped cream and sprinks please?" Y/n says as she argues with herself. 'I know I ain't tripping. Don't tell me i'm actually in Lookism.' 

"Of course!" Jace says with pink cheeks. Jace goes to the back where the kitchen was, while Y/n is panicking over meeting one of the main supporting charcters so early.  "Okay calm down." Y/n whispers to herself, "Just enjoy yourself, not your problem if this fucks shit up." she finishes as she waits at the counter for her drink. A hand suddenly places itself onto her shoulder, she turns around to see a UGLY, and I mean UGLYYY guy with a gut wrenching smirk on his face. "Hey sweet girl. You a foreginer ay?" He says his voice was like sandpaper. "Mhm." Y/n answers with that one white women smile, wear they lips go inwards.

"How about I show you around here, you must be new sweetie." The man says as he starts to wrap an arm over my neck. "I'm okay." Y/n says awkwardly, "Awe cmon, i'll treat you right." He insists, "I said n-" Before she can finish the man is pushed away. There stands Vasco with his famous grip on the man. "The pretty lady said no." Vasco says firmly. The man is now down on his knees literally begging to be let go. "P-please let me go, I won't do it again!" The guy begs. "Apologize." Vasco simply says, the man turns his head towards Y/n. "Please, please i'm sorry!" He begs, "Good. Now leave." Vasco says as he releases the man who scurrys away. 

Y/n can feel her cheeks heat up, one of her favorite fucking lookism charcters just saved her. "Thank you so much!" Y/n smiles, causing Vasco to look at her and stiffen. "It is not a problem, he was a bad guy." Vasco says stiffly.  "Can I get you a drink, to repay you?" Y/n asks. "No it is okay, I d-don't need a drink." Vasco replys. "No I insist its on me!" Y/n smiles as Jace comes back with her drink in hand, and a straw sticking out of it. "Heres your drink miss." Jace says, Y/n looks towards him as Jace hands the drink to her their hands momentarily touching. "Thank you, what did you want-" Before you can ask Vasco anything hes frantically shaking his head. Y/n laughs, "Nevermind, heres a twenty and an extra for your tip." Y/n says as she places the two bills on the counter. She takes a sip of her drink and is kind of suprised on how good it was, she has always wanted to try fictional food. 

Y/n goes over to Vasco sipping her drink. Y/n smiles up at him, "Would it be okay if I got your number?" Y/n asks, "Of course!" Vasco says unessacarily loud but Y/n doesn't mind since she knew he was nervous. Y/n hands him her phone, as he types the digits in her phone he hands it back to her. Y/n sees the name Vasco as the contact list. "Your name is Vasco? Like the superhero?" she says as if she didn't already know that. "Yea..b-but my real name is Euntae Lee." Vasco says slightly embarrassed. "Thats really cool. So i'll text you." Y/n says with a large dimple filled smile on her face. "Okay!" Vasco says as he gets that cute little smile on his face. 

Y/n waves to him as she makes her way out of the cafe. As soon as shes out of earshot she fangirls by stomping her feet up and down and putting her hands to her mouth and squealing.

 As soon as shes out of earshot she fangirls by stomping her feet up and down and putting her hands to her mouth and squealing

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