Out of Order!

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As i sat there twiddling my thumbs in class, i get a shocking pain in my vagina. It ached with the needs to pee, so i quickly shot up my hand. Thankfully, my teacher let me go! It wouldve been a disaster if she didnt. I ran out of the classroom to the 1st floor bathrooms, and opened the door. I checked every single stall, but they were all out of order! I placed my hand inbetween my crotch, as a small drop of pee leaked out of me. I let out a small moan, turning me on. As a student council member, i had keys to all the doors, so i came up with an idea. As a second  drop dripped out, i let out another moan. I locked the bathroom door. Swiftly, i pulled down my panties and skirt, and began rubbing my clit, letting out horny, long moans. I fall to the floor as my legs began to shake, and i let out one loud moan as my orgasm shot everywhere. As i hungrily rubbed my pussy, i could feel cum beginning to drip out. In the midst of this, my urge to release comes back and without hesitation, i let my stream squirt out.

After i finished, i noticed that another girl was in an out of order stall, and i heard moaning coming from inside. Clearly my masturbation had turned her on. I unlocked her stall door to see a sexy pink-haired girl rubbing her clit, she looked on the edge of having an orgasm. I rushed in and began rubbing my clit infront of her, we became two moaning messes. As she saw me, she let out a loud moan and squirt her cum and orgasm all over me. I stand up and begin to kiss her, as our masturbation turns to making out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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