Today was the day the judge decides Pips fate. Day 694. Pip was scared to check, scared to know whether she'll get to see her family and friends in her town or only seeing them once a month in handcuffs. "It's going to be okay." Said Ravi's voice in her head. She still talks to him every day-mentally. There was a lump in her throat knowing there's a possibility she won't ever see him again. She turned on the news, Stanley's blood on her hands, her gut in a knot, her heart turning into gun shots.

"Max Hasting has been charged for the murder of Jason Bell and will be sentenced for life."

Oh my god. Pip cried. She's free. Something she thought wouldn't happen. She can see her family, her friends, Cara, Nat, Connor, Jamie, Rav- Pips phone buzzed.

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