Challenge 2: Riddle Drying

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As the trio advances to the next room, they are greeted by a mesmerizing sight—a row of dripping wet robes suspended from a clothesline. However, there's more to these robes than meets the eye. The robes shimmer with an ethereal glow, and the trio notices that each one bears a riddle inscribed in shimmering, iridescent ink.

Realizing that they need to solve the riddles to unveil the correct spell for drying the robes, Hermione takes the lead, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She gathers Harry and Ron close, and they huddle together, heads tilted as they carefully read the first riddle.

The riddle challenges their wit and requires them to think outside the box. Hermione furrows her brow, deep in thought, while Harry and Ron offer suggestions and bounce ideas off each other. They analyze the riddle's words, searching for hidden clues and subtle wordplay.

With a sudden burst of inspiration, Hermione's eyes widen, and a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. She shares her solution with Harry and Ron, and they eagerly agree that she's cracked the riddle's code. It's time to cast the correct spell.

Harry steps forward, gripping his wand tightly, and recites the incantation that matches the riddle's answer. A warm, golden light emanates from his wand as he casts "Siccus Veste!"—a specialized spell designed to dry wet fabrics.

The moment the spell leaves Harry's lips, the robes undergo a miraculous transformation. The dampness evaporates, and the robes regain their vibrancy and shape. The trio watches in awe as the robes become lighter and drier, gently swaying on the clothesline.

With the first riddle solved and the robes now dry, they eagerly move on to the next one. They repeat the process, tackling each riddle with enthusiasm and determination. The challenges vary in difficulty—some riddles require clever wordplay, while others demand logical reasoning and deep knowledge of magical history.

Through collaboration and their combined intellect, the trio unravels each riddle, revealing the corresponding drying spell for every robe

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