Last Words

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Lily glanced through the foggy hospital window glass to see her parents crying outside. What had happened? Was I going to be okay? Or was there a chance that something worse than being dead would happen to her tonight?
Her father looked up and saw her staring at him, as if he could tell she's been watching them for the whole time hey we're out there. He wiped his sleeve across his face and made an attempt at smiling before turning back to the doctor who stood in front of him. Lily couldn't help but notice how pale he looked when he did this.

All of a sudden the door swung open as a crowd of nurses and doctors swarmed around Lily. Her heart sank as she saw the look on one of the nurses faces. One by one the group gathered around her and began to talk in hushed voices. They all seemed so loud though, loud but hard to make out what they were saying. She began to make out some words and was certain that she wasn't going to make it through that night.

"What's happening?" Lily whispered, her voice almost cracking in tears. "Tell me what's wrong with me". "It's your heart, Lily," the head nurse said in as calm of a voice she could. The head nurse turned to speak to another person behind her. "I can take care of her now doctor."
Dr Wilson nodded and the other nurses walk away. The head nurse spoke again and addressed me. "Lily" she said in a hushed yet calm and confident tone, "your severe chest pains which got you admitted here, it was arrhythmia and pulmonary embolisms. You're lucky nothing else was wrong at the time. You would've had it much worse. Your lungs decided to collapse today when we did he procedure and there is a very slim chance you are going to make it." "I'm sorry Lily." "The treatment we tried to give you was rejected by your body. Unfortunately there is nothing else we can do but help manage the pain until-" she paused and went quiet. Her usually somewhat lit up face went completely dull. I knew I was going to die. Why couldn't they just say it straight to my face. It hurt more them attempting to keep it from me.

That night I couldn't sleep. I couldn't forget the cold grave face on the nurse nor what she said and couldn't finish. I picked up the locket my stepmom gave me as a gift from my mum before she passed. I stared at it wishing she was here. But she wasn't. Everyone saw me sobbing through the window. They knew my physical pain but not my emotional pain. I missed my mum. My real mum. I must've looked really vulnerable and pale because the nurses had sympathetic looks in their eyes as they tried to comfort me. When they saw the photo they understood why. Most of them with tears welling up in their eyes. She died seven years ago, giving birth to me. I felt like everything was my fault and that my medical conditions were just karma for it. I spoke weakly as I told the nurses what happened. The head nurse put her hand upon mine and said "she would've loved you so much, she'd be so proud of how strong you are and how much you've grown."
Lily could only get three words out before a loud beep screeched from the machines. "Goodbye and thanks". The nurses eyes burst into tears as she sat beside the lifeless corpse and stated the time of death into her records. Her dad was stood and the end of the bed but came round and gently hugged the nurse.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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