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"Can I talk to you about something?" Georgie asked as he entered Dale's office at his shop, the following day.

He needed advice and didn't know who else to go to, and he and Dale got along well whilst Georgie worked there and Dale seemed to have lived a little bit.

"Come on this is my coffee time," Dale protested from his office chair.

"This is more important than your coffee," Georgie said, closing the door.

"If I don't drink my coffee, I don't go to the toilet. That's important." Dale argued.

"The girl I was seeing is pregnant," Georgie blurted, raising his eyebrow.

Dale's eyes widened. "You win. Sit." He said and pointed to the chair in front of his desk.

Georgie took a seat quickly. "My folks are gonna kill me." He said.

"They don't know yet?" Dale asked, putting his coffee mug down.

"You're the only person I told," George replied.

"Oh, no I don't want that." Dale said, panicked.

"Please help me," Georgie pleaded.

Dale sighed. "First things first, are you sure this kid is even yours?" He asked, leaning forward.

"Yeah," Georgie shrugged, "We've been sleeping together,"

"That doesn't mean it's yours," Dale said.

"Maybe she cheated on me," Georgie said, happily.

"We can only hope," Dale said, matching his energy.


"She did not like that question at all." Georgie said once he was back at Dale's after seeing y/n.

One hour earlier.

"What is it?" Y/n asked, as she opened her front door after hearing Georgie knock.

She had been vomiting all morning and the challenge was to not have her parents hear.

"I have a question to ask you," Georgie said and y/n gave him a 'go ahead look' "Are you sure this kids mine?"

Y/n heaved angrily and Georgie knew he made a mistake immediately.

"Are you kidding?" She said loudly. "For gods sake Georgie, I'm pregnant and the kid is yours. Do you think I sleep around? Is that the girl, you see me as?"

Georgie was taken aback and y/n didn't give him a chance to say anything before slamming the door in his face.

"So the baby's yours then." Dale said, and it was more of a statement then a question.

"What am I gonna do?" Georgie said, hopelessly, putting his head in his hands.

"Is there any chance she might decide not to have it?" Dale asked.

"Not happening. She's keeping it." Georgie said.

"Well, I hope you've enjoyed being young and care free because that ship has sailed." Dale said, leaning back.

"Not helpful." Georgie muttered tjen stood up, leaning against the desk. "I know what I need to do."

"Tell your parents?" Dale asked hopefully.

"Do the right thing and marry her." Georgie corrected and Dale's face fell.

"Whoa, Georgie." He said standing up. "No one has to get married here."

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now