Chapter 1: Watching Broadcasts & Abuse (Amy's POV)

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"Just listen to me! Just grab the ketchup bottle and shove it up your anus," a female voice echoed from my computer screen.
"But Jessica!" A male voice whined.
"Just do it!" The female voice screeched.

Continuous moans crawled through every ounce of my room as I leaned back in tears, laughing so damn hard, I could barely breathe.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Aram Flood, I'm 16, I'm from Springfield, Missouri. And I can sing, watch!" James Aram Flood, probably one of the best YouNowers on the planet. His comedic prank calls and talented singing voice and guitar skills. I need to meet him, he's absolutely gorgeous and he makes me smile like no one else can. He smiled before grabbing his guitar, his cute, small, hands running across the neck of his guitar as he sang peacefully and beautifully.

"We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes" I whispered the words as he sang them. His voice sounding like angels and the guitar beautifully harmonized. His fingers wrapped perfectly around the neck of guitar, quickly adjusting to the next chord, maybe moving a fret or two.

"AMY!" My dad screeched.
"Yeah, Dad?" I said nervously.

My father, the biggest dickhead you'll ever meet. Well, in my opinion anyway. Everyone thinks he's the greatest and chill guy. But, when all the doors are closed, he's the biggest dick in the world, after 3 or 4 beers he can easily chug. After those beverages, 1 dirty dish in the sink can result in World War III.

"Can you agree that your mom is the worst person alive!?" He yelled, barging through the door.
"No, I love her. Why would I talk to her like that!?"

I'm honestly so confused right now.

"Get the fuck over here," he muttered.

I stood up and scrambled to my feet towards him. His hand lifted, parallel to his ear and swapped down, a hard blow to my cheek bringing me towards the ground. I grabbed my cheek and caressed it and closed my eyes and allowing him to kick me endlessly, wondering when the pain will ever stop and lightly hearing Aram's voice behind the constant grunts my dad makes.

(A/N: Amy's my name.... I'm just leaving it at that)

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