Chapter eight: His own reflection

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Fanart by: reallycorking-art

It had been the best day in a while. A fairly successful day at school, where Harry had handed in all his homework and completed all of his work to a respectable standard, earning a total of twenty-five points for Gryffindor. It wasn't much compared to Hermione, and Ron had lost about the same as he'd earned, but it still felt good to do some good.

The three of them had climbed up Gryffindor Tower for a drink, or smoke, in Harry's case. Hermione wasn't happy with it, but after a quiet "leave him be," from Ron and knowing that they'd both be there to monitor him, she relaxed, leaning against the wall with half a bottle of wine in her hand. She was wrapped up in her blue velvet coat, a pair of black leggings and blue boots, her hair tied up loosely on top of her head. The bottle of wine was disappearing at an impressive rate and she kept making them both giggle at her out-of-turn comments.

He was dressed in his usual Weasley jumper, the maroon one with a gold "R" on. His jeans were black, along with his scuffed boots, and he had Harry's Gryffindor scarf around his neck so that he had to peel it down whenever he took a swig of his cider.

Harry was wearing his usual hand-me-downs, though this time he was wearing Ron's clothes, a pair of pale blue jeans and his Christmas jumper from Molly, a thick cloak draped around his shoulders like a shawl. His joint was rolled tightly between his fingers, with the second in a tin in his breast pocket. Between them was a jar of Hermione's trademark bluebell flames, covering them all in an eerie glow.

Ron noticed that Harry was shivering and so lowered himself to the ground, crossing his gangly legs into a position which was comfortable. Hermione joined them on Harry's other side, and the three of them watched the sun set over the hills.

Harry looked up at Ron with hazy eyes and Ron kissed his forehead, making him smile.

"Since when do you two kiss?"

"We always have," Harry replied simply. To prove a point, he took Ron's chin and lightly kissed his cheek, something which made his stomach flutter a little and his own cheeks grow warm. This new type of affection was still alien to him, but by no means unwelcome. He took a thoughtful drag, blowing the clouds away from Hermione, as she looked on in distaste. "Why do you ask?"

"Just never noticed, I guess," she asked, smirking as Ron wrapped his arms around Harry in a mock-romantic gesture and winked. "I've never seen the two of you look more like a couple."

"Don't worry, Harry's still straight," Ron laughed. Harry nodded, though realised where this statement led.

There was a silence, as they watched the sky slowly fade from pink to lilac. "And you too, Ron?"

"Mm." Harry waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't, his eyes seemingly transfixed on the landscape. Hermione seemed to understand the silence and wrapped her arm around Harry's back.

"It doesn't matter what you are," she said steadily, watching Ron's jawline soften. "Nothing would change, your happiness and well-being are obviously what matters most. You'd still be the same Ron we know and love."

"Ok," he breathed, and Harry felt elated on Ron's behalf. "I'm not... I don't really know about it yet, to be honest. I'm not fully gay, if you were worried about that."

"Why would I be worried about that when it doesn't concern me?" she spluttered indignantly. Harry did everything in his power to suppress the snort that fought to escape his lips. He knew Hermione still held a soft spot for Ron and the sooner the two of them got their heads out of their arses and actually spoke about it, the better. It was a relief- he had no worries that Hermione would have a problem with Ron's sexuality, but it was still nicer to have things out in the open. 

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