TWO: Skates

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???'s POV:

"I'll pay the rest tomorrow, right now I'm in a hurry."

I scoffed at her response and wore my glasses again.

"Woah, you're talking to someone from class 201 A." My friend, Michael chuckled while he pats in my back.

"Is there like a policy to not talk to them?" I rose my eyebrows in curiosity as we both are walking down the stairs.

"Not one person dares to have a full minute conversation with class 201 A. They're like a powerhouse alone, all of the students are achievers. You probably shouldn't mess with her, dude."

"Just because she won some flashy medals and certificates I'll just excuse her for doing this because she's in class 201 A?" I pointed at my eyes while he sighs.

"Cal, you know I didn't mean it like that. It's just that 201 A is a class full of people who you don't know what they're capable of."

"Miko, It's not like I'm trying to rob her I'm just--"

"Fuck, we're late for practice.." Michael announced while looking at his digital watch.

We both made a run for it and grabbed our bags while we went to the gym.

"And where were you both?!"

"We had to run a quick errand for one of the teachers sir." I lied, panting heavily as Michael nodded.

Our coach sighed and shook his head, buying our excuse.

"You've been late three times in a row, if it gets up to five I'm dropping you off the team." He said, "Wear your skates, we have until 2 weeks until the ceremony."

Solana's POV:
As I got back home I heard the sound of breaking glass, I ran inside the kitchen and saw my grandma looking at the cup confusedly.

"Oh! Sol you're here!" she smiled while she grabbed a broom. "I don't know how that cup got there, I was just washing dishes and I must've put it there by mistake." She sighs while I took the broom and swept the broken glass.

"It's alright, grandma. Are you hurt?" I asked gently while she shakes her head.

"Nope, I'm wearing gloves this time!" She smiled and showed the gloves in her hands.

I laughed and smiled, dumping the broken glass inside the trash.

"Should we order take-out?"

"No need, The neighbors traded me their vegetables for my liquor. I'm gonna make curry fried rice." my grandma laughed as she washes the vegetables.

"You didn't give them a lot, did you?" I asked jokingly while she chuckles.

"They would be running around the streets if I gave them too much, you know our neighbors are lightweight."

I smiled and went upstairs to change until my phone rang, I tilt my head in confusion as I saw the phone number.

"Who the hell is this..?" I asked, looking at the unknown number calling me.

I picked up the call and sighed as I closed my windows and locked them.

"Hello, who is this?"

"You're that smart girl who made my eyes red, right?"

"How did you get my number?" I sighed, knowing it was the guy from before.

"Meet me after school tomorrow—"

I rolled my eyes and ended the call, not wanting to discuss with him any further.

ⅈ : I identify as a threat to human society, anyways hope u enjoy this chapter ! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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