Pedri Gonzalez

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Pedri and I've met eachother through friends, we talked and met up with eachother over these few months. People always mistaken us for being a couple and I wouldn't blame them the way we act doesn't portray friends it's say's more then friends....but I can only wish because Pedri has a girlfriend called Paige and everybody can see it's toxic.

I knocked on Pedri's door waiting patiently for him to open it.
He finally open it and he gives me a long hug ... like he always does.

"¿Qué te ha estado molestando hermano, ¿por qué están los ojos rojos?" (What's been bothering you Brother why's your eyes red?) I asked...I hate calling him hermano ...his more than a brother to me his much more
" Paige y yo tuvimos una gran pelea ayer." (Paige and I had a huge fight yesterday) Pedri said escaping a breath he held in .
I already knew it was something to do with Paige...when Pedri looks so depressing... it  most of the time have to do with her , anyone can see she's just with him for the fame.

"Sobre?" (About?) "Su trampa"(her cheating),Cada vez que la confrontaba, ella trata de ponerla, diciendo que soy la que la engaña contigo.(every time I confronted her she tries to put it on me saying that I'm the one cheating on her with you)" he says looking at me.

"Pedri, sabes que tienes que romper con ella esto no es saludable.(Pedri you know you got to breakup with her this isn't healthy ) I say rubbing his back .

"Estoy planeando cuando la veo de nuevo."I'm planning to when I see her again" he says."Pero hay algo que necesito para abordar".(but there's something I need to address )he says playing with my hair.

"No puedes decirme que soy el único que siente las chispas entre nosotros y / n"(You can't be telling me I'm the only one feeling the sparks between us y/n)" he said. "Y antes de que digas algo, necesito sacarme algo de mi pecho. Me gustan mucho tu y / n y quiero ser más que tu amigo"(And before you say anything, I need to get something off my chest . I really like you y/n and I want to be more than your friend) Pedri said with a lower voice. ...That sounds so sexy

"También me gustas Pepi y odio llamarte hermano o siendo solo amigos mientras besas a Paige, probablemente te engañe en este momento, me refiero a que no te ofendas"(I like you too Pepi and I hate calling you brother or being just friends while you kiss Paige that's probably cheating on you right now , I mean no offense ) I say. "no tomando"(non takin) Pedri said closing the gap between us .... I've wanted this moment for so long ... sparks went off when his lips mine...

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