Everyone has issues

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Mary's pov

Going home is a problem for me. An issue. My house is a black hole. And not every house is a home. A home is somewhere you feel safe, somewhere you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your life in. And your relatives aren't always family. Family are the people you trust and love, not the people you wish understood you, you wish trusted you, you wish showed you love and affection. So now, I'm going to my house to spend the rest of the day with my relatives. Mom and dad. Mother and father. The people who gave birth to me and raised me and wished for a grateful daughter, but they got me instead.
             I was thinking, maybe overthinking. Until I reached the front door, and I knocked on it. I didn't know if the pounding came from the knocking or from the beating of my heart.

Nadir's pov

I wished people understood me. I wish they knew what I think and what I want and how to comfort me. How to show me affection and love. But instead, they never do that.
         As I knocked on her door, I feel my heart beating faster than ever. Do I still care about her? No. Do I still love her? No. So why am I even here? About to knock on her door. What am I even gonna say to her. I already came here four times and always ended up leaving. And I guess I'll also leave this time.
It's like a drug. I became addicted to the idea of it all being just a lie. Of her never cheating on me. Of her never telling me all the shit she did. Lucy... Such a beautiful name for an awful soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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