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-the day before they fly to Germany-
**Vera's POV**

As i finished neatly packing my two large suitcases full of clothing and toiletries, i realized something; i, myself, am a mess. Yes, my luggage may be organized and pretty, but i am the complete opposite. I went to the mirror in the bathroom, and i stared at what was looking back at me.

Mascara was running down my cheeks, just like in the movies. My eyes were red, my cheeks also, and my shirt was also full of what seemed like water droplets, still emerging slowly from my eyes. I apparently had been crying the entire time i was packing, or honestly God knows how long. I figured- because i finished everything i was supposed to -why not just go to bed early. I needed some rest anyway, for the flight into hell tomorrow.

In the morning, i woke up to the horrible sound of my alarm clock, ringing like it was a matter of life or death. As always, i started going downstairs to get myself some breakfast. As i was about halfway down the stairs, i noticed that i had no appetite. I decided to just push a piece of toast down anyway, and i went to get ready.

I picked some comfortable sweatpants, with a baggy sweater, and a t-shirt under that, in case i get warm. I knew that i wouldn't meet my future husband today, only tomorrow, because the flight is obviously not that short. And i have to get some rest for the big day tomorrow, the actual wedding. My dress had been prepared and sent to Leipzig, so i didn't have to worry about that.

As me and my father got on and sat down in the plane, it actually hit me like it hasn't before: i, Vera Volkov, am getting married tomorrow. It was kind of crazy. After a couple minutes of serious thinking, i heard my dad say: "Vera, are you alright?"

"Yeah, i was just thinking. Why?" I asked back, curiously as to how he realized i'm in a state of panic.
"Your breathing is heavy and unstable. I can almost hear your heart beating. What's up?" He asked, as if we weren't on our way to meet the man that had to build a future with.
"Oh, i'm just a bit nervous to fly, i've always been scared of flying. You should know that." I said, trying not to burst into tears in front of the whole plane.

The flight was surprisingly short, about 3 hours. Because of that, i was suspecting that the man's parents would call any minute, saying to come meet him, since none of us were expecting this short flight time. Thankfully though, no phone calls from the family.

I decided to go out and explore the city a bit, also to calm myself by taking a nice walk. My dad had to leave anyway, to start planning the wedding and to meet the parents. Since it was almost lunch time now, i went into a rather casual italian restaurant. I walked into the building, and i immediately heard a group of boys laughing and talking loudly.

As i was sitting down, i felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked around, and i saw one of the members of the group, staring at me. He had black cornrow braids, a black lip piercing and a baggy clothing style. Next to him sat a boy who looked very similar to him, but a very different style. He had long black hair with dreadlocks, and he was obviously shyer. The other two members, i couldn't see very well, because they were sitting with their backs to me.

As i was walking out of the restaurant, the sudden smell of cigarettes hit my nose and immediately after, i bumped into someone.
"Pass mal auf, wohin du gehst! (Watch where you're going in german)" I heard these words leave the boy's mouth in an angry tone. It was the boy who stared at me back in the restaurant.
"Entschuldigung! (Sorry in german)" Luckily, i took some german classes back in middle school, so i knew some responses and words, just enough to make small talk if needed.

Thank you guys so much for 25 reads, you are truly amazing! I hope you enjoy reading this part, it took some brainpower to figure it out😭

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