This is what i live for

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Y/N point of view

"This is ridiculous" I said as I read the article my assistant sent me. "Why would they show a 144p quality picture of myself" I said annoyed rather than the headline of my engagement. "Make them take it down with a high definition picture of me" I said as I gave them back the iPad. "Yes of course" she said trembling at my response. I've known to be quite demanding to work around, so I understood why she'd be scared of my requests. "It's like people can't choose good pictures for their articles anymore" I scoffed as I walked into my office.

I put away my coat and purse away and sat down to do work. I had a whole pile of paperwork to fill out for my new endeavor. I then heard a knock outside my door and saw it was my fiancés mom. "Ms Shen" I said as I got up to greet her. "'My darling" she said as she gave me a welcoming hug. "Do you have any time for dress fitting today?" She asked me as I put a halt on my work. I looked through my schedule and saw I was free for a good for a few hours. "You caught me in a good time" I said as I cleared my desk. "I'm glad I thought we would never talk about this collaboration" she said excitedly since she was happy to design me a custom dress.

Although this wedding just an arrangement from both of our families I do not mind it. I see it as a transaction rather than something sentimental. Both of our families wanted us to get married together for the expansion of our companies. The truth is I know Ricky really well, so it was never something I never dwelt upon. We dated for a short time before our families set us up together. You can imagine how awkward it was when we broke up just to find out we've been set up to be married the whole time.

"I really like this style" I said as I pointed at the sketch I liked the most. "Really I like that one too!" Ms Shen said smirking as she knew I was going to pick it. I went through fabrics she laid out and picked out the ones I liked. She started to get her team to start on the dress while we eat scones and talked for a while. "I got the samples of your new products and I loved them" she said mentioning my new skincare products. "This is what I live for" I said as a took a sip of my tea. "Making my brand as perfect as I am" I added to my statement. A bold one but I believe it. "I don't understand why you didn't just go for modeling industry your face is made for it" she said complimenting me. "You're awfully kind" I said.

After conversing for a while the first prototype of the dress was made. I tried it on and it was a perfect fit. I did a few spins around and I loved it. That's til I saw my groom peaking out from the room. "Ricky why are you here didn't I tell you I was here with Y/N" she scolded at him for seeing me in my dress. "Exactly why I'm here" he said looking directly at me. I then stopped spinning around and walked towards him. "Seems like you're enjoying yourself" he said looking me up and down. "Of course I am this dress looks absolutely gorgeous don't you agree?" I asked for his opinion. "Can I talk for you in private for a second" he asked me right away. I nodded and headed outside the hallway with him.

"Are you sure you want to go through this wedding?" He asked me as I was standing my wedding dress still. "Ricky what choice do we have it was arranged for a long time if I wasn't okay with it I would've said something by now" I asked as I reached for my zipper. He just kept looking at me in disbelief. "You're still the same I forgot that you're the most nonchalant person I know" he said in defeat. "Do you not want to get married?" I asked him. "We do not love each other anymore" he said. "So?" I said back. "I didn't want to marry you" "I didn't either" "well at least not like this" Ricky added as he sat down in the hallway in defeat. I kept looking at him but at this point he avoided my gaze. "If we get married our combined worth would be 1 trillion won" I said trying to convince him it wouldn't be that bad. "I knew you wouldn't understand I don't even know why I bothered to talk to you" he said getting up. "Ricky wait" I said tugging on his shirt. "Don't you have a fitting to return to?" He said as he took my hand off him. "I don't want to argue with you anymore go back and do the one thing you're good at and go look pretty" he said as he left me alone in that dim hallway. I looked at him til I saw him disappear and I couldn't help to feel sad.

We weren't always like this. Before all of this we were just friends and eventually turned into lovers just to be strangers again. We might not see eye to eye now but we used to and that's why I thought our marriage wasn't going to be that bad. I guess he doesn't feel the same away and I can deal with that. I love him enough to accept our ill fated relationship.

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