Chapter 5

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Natasha woke up, and looked around realizing she was still in the living room. She moved her head and realized she was clung to Demi. She wondered if Demi even noticed. Natasha slowly moved off of Demi and checked the time on the microwave, it read 8:30. She got up and started to make some scrambled eggs and toast, leaving Demi on the couch sleeping peacefully. Natasha lost in her thoughts as she cooks. "What smells good?" Natasha jumps a bit as she looks over at Demi.

"Oh! Um scrambled eggs and toast." Demi's eyes widened in excitement.


"Yes!" Demi smiled at Natasha.

"I love scrambled eggs!" Natasha finished cooking and put some toast and eggs on a plate, taking it to Demi.

"I hope you like them!" Demi immediately took a bit of the eggs.

"These are the best eggs I've ever had."

"I'm so glad!" Natasha then made a plate for herself sitting down on the couch next to Demi, eating her eggs and toast. The thought in her mind still replaying, had Demi known about Natasha clinging to her last night?

"Natasha, I forgot to tell you last night. I brought my things from the hotel room last night, so we can just head out a bit later than normal, and I already requested to room with you. This hotel has enough space for all of us so it's two in a room now." Demi's voice sounded excited, but Natasha didn't think anything of it.

"Awesome! I have my bags packed and whatnot, just have to grab last minute items like my phone charger, ipad and that charger, and anything else I think of." Natasha finished her breakfast, not long after Demi. Demi had taken the plates to the sink, to wash the dishes. "Demi, you don't have to do that, you're the guest."

"Nope, you cooked. I'll wash the dishes, hun." Demi stated as she washed the dishes, Natasha just sighing a bit in agreement.

"Do you want to take a shower before we leave?" Natasha asked changing the topic.

"I probably will, especially with driving it would be the best option in my opinion." Natasha nodded.

"Would you mind if I opened tiktok? I don't want to be rude."

"No, go ahead! I'll watch with you." Demi said as she finished the dishes sitting back down on the couch next Natasha, as Natasha opened tiktok.

"Taz get your ass back out of the ring." The video said, it was Rhea, causing Demi to chuckle, when the camera panned over to Dominik, Demi repeated his line.

"Hey! Hey! Don't yell at Mami." Natasha liked the video and looked at Demi.

"Mami? What's the story behind that?" Demi smiled.

"Well, Dominik started calling me that when he first joined The Judgement Day and it's become a fan favorite so it kind of stuck." Natasha nodded, as she scrolled onto the next video.

"I will never understand why they push these bottles down the stairs. It's glass of course a lot of it will break." Demi chuckled at Natasha's words before instinctively wrapping her arm around Natasha.

"I don't understand it either." Demi stated, as Natasha had relaxed into Demi's touch. She definitely was falling for this woman, and she was falling fast. This was scary for Natasha, considering she was engaged previously to a man, when she thought she was bisexual he dumped her. Natasha scrolled onto the next several videos.

"There is hardly ever anything interesting on tiktok anymore, it's always the same content, but posted by a new person." Natasha said as she closed tiktok.

"You're 100% correct. I hardly have time for tiktok, but when I do watch Tiktok it's always the same." Demi left her arm wrapped around Natasha, as Natasha scrolled through Instagram, showing Demi silly pictures.

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