As long as you're around

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Bo Burnham - comedian, musician, 32 years old.
Odi Wankstoun - aspiring writer, Bo's best friend, 28 years old.

    «Sometimes I can be too, hmmm, busy and lost in my thoughts. So please don't start panicking if I don't respond when you call me by my name» Odi often heard from Bo. She knew that her friend was creative person with interesting character. His mood was changeable and changed quite often during the day, so girl was not surprising that in the morning Bo could be in a terrible mood, and by the evening he began to enjoy life. Odi was used to the fact that Bo occasionally did not respond when he was called by name, simply because he was immersed in work with his head. But for some reason, girl was tormented by doubts that this was not always the case and there was some other reason why Bo did not always respond...
    On one of the most ordinary and calm, measured and June days, when bright disk of the warm sun slowly sank below the horizon, a pleasant atmosphere of comfort reigned in the house of Bo and Odi. Burnham retired to his room, from where sounds comedian's some new songs came from, but by evening melodies had subsided and his room became somehow quiet. Wankstoun was cooking something delicious from Chinese cuisine for dinner, quietly singing some songs.
— Bo! Hey, Bo, I made something new and delicious! - girl calls Bo in a joyful voice, going up to the second floor of their house where comedian's room is located.
    But Bo didn't respond. Even when Odi knocked on his room door and called his name again. "Strange... Is he all right?"  Wankstoun thought and knocked on Bo's room again. But there was no answer, and through the door it was heard that there were no signs of activity in the room. Odi sighed a little anxiously, looking with her blue eyes at door to Bo's room. Girl shook her head slightly, as if trying to drive panic and bad thoughts out of her head to calm down. Taking another deep breath, Odi knocked.
— Bo?! Everything okay? - girl asks, listening to the sounds outside the door. Silence - if you don't answer, then I'll come in! - Wankstoun warns him, having plucked up the courage. She feels fear permeating her entire body like a needle, slowly penetrating into every millimeter, every cell of her body.
    But there was still no response. Gathering her strength, Odi opens the door to the room and looks inside. Her blue eyes widen in surprise. There was a real creative chaos in the room: an infinite number of various wires on the floor, sheets and rhymed lines, unfinished or crossed out jokes rested among the wires. Bo, enveloped in gentle yellow-orange rays of the departing sun, sat in the corner of room surrounded by scribbled sheets of paper. He buried his forehead in his knees, pressed to his chest, and held a piece of paper in his hands.
    Odi, carefully stepping over the wires curling on the floor and scattered papers, slowly approached Bo and squatted down in front of him, looked at him with an interested and good-natured look. In her blue, naively childish eyes, there was concern for comedian, girl looked at Bo with sincere excitement, tilting her head to the side.
— Bo? Hey, are you okay? ... - girl asked in a gentle voice, carefully, as if she didn't want to scare him by touching his hand with her fingertips, in which he was holding a piece of paper.
    When girl touches his hand, Bo's fingers released the sheet of paper and it smoothly fell to the floor next to comedian. Odi, noticing this, knelt down in front of Bo and, gently placing her soft palms on his cheeks, lifted his head from his knees.
— So you fell asleep, hard worker - girl giggles faintly, looking at Bo carefully.
    He looks so calm and relaxed, even though he looks tired after brainstorming. As if now, during sleep, he was left with all worries and thoughts that only tormented comedian's consciousness and his soul. It was as if he had found peace, real peace, which every person dreams of. Every living being. Bo looks like a sleeping angel: so calm and innocent...
    Comedian's eyelashes barely tremble and he slowly opens his eyes. His sleepy, tired sky-blue gaze is fixed on face of girl sitting in front of him. Bo opens his eyes and, it seems, not fully realizing what is happening, looks at her with a clouded and confused look.
— Oh, good morning - smiling a wide and gentle smile, says Odi - or rather good evening. How are you? - girl asks solicitously, tucking a strand of his soft hair behind Bo's ear.
    Comedian, still not fully awake, looked around the room with an interested look, as if he did not understand where he was, and then looked back at Odi sitting in front of him.
— Yes... It seems I was lost in some thoughts and - Bo fell silent, it seems not wanting to finish sentence - okay, it doesn't matter... - he covered his mouth with his hand, yawned and stretched, stretching his back.
— If you still want to sleep, it's better to do it on the bed - girl giggled softly, slowly rising from her knees - or do you want to have dinner? I have prepared something new and delicious! - girl smiles good-naturedly at him.
    Bo, following Odi, gets up from the floor and stretches again. He looks around room with an appraising glance, looking at all the mess after his work, sighs heavily and looks at Odi with some thoughtfulness in his eyes.
— I... I'm not sure I want to eat - he says a little confused, putting his hands on his hips - sorry. I think I want to rest. I... - Bo paused, looking down at the floor, thinking about next words. Sometimes he was afraid to tell girl how he felt, and now there was such a moment - I don't feel well. Have dinner without me, okay?
— Oh, okay - girl nods and looks at Bo with sympathy. He really doesn't look good: so confused and lost - I'll be on the ground floor, if you need anything, then call. Don't be afraid to ask me for help - girl said, looking at Bo, who fell wearily onto the bed, burying his face in the pillow.
— Yes, yes, I remember - he paused for a while, and then turned his head to look at Odi - thank you ... - comedian said softly, smiling faintly at her.
— Sweet dreams - girl smiles sweetly at parting and, continuing to carefully step over wires, went out of room.
    Bo followed the girl with his eyes, watching how carefully she stepped through all this chaos in his room. Why? She could have just pushed all wires and papers away with her foot and moved on. But Odi continued to carefully step over all this, going to the exit of room. When girl opened door to leave the room, Bo's voice suddenly stopped her.
— Wait - voice of comic came from behind Odi. When she slowly turned around, Bo was already sitting in the center of the bed and looking at her with a pleading look - I'd... I'd like you to stay - Bo said, looking away.
— What?!... S-stayed? - looking at him in surprise, girl asked again, as if not believing in what was happening.
— Yes - Bo nodded, lowering his head in embarrassment - can you stay, please?... Just, well, to sit next to... I'll feel safe as long as you're around...
    Odi stared at Bo in surprise and confusion for a few more moments, but soon she sat down next to him. Feeling of embarrassment and some nervousness does not leave her body and Odi sighs, trying to relax. Girl sits at the head of Bo's bed, leaning on her back. Bo gratefully smiled at her with a wide smile and lay down, to Odi's surprise, next to her, resting his head on her lap. He lets out a relaxed sigh and slowly closes his eyes, falling back into sleep.
    Between Odi and Bo, a small fire seems to be burning and warming with its gentle warmth. Its fire penetrates into soul of each of them and kindles a warm, affectionate flame of care and tenderness, making them feel calm and relaxed next to each other. It seems that there is nothing and no one else in this world except them now. Only a scarlet sunset, comfort, Bo and Odi and nothing more. Just a pleasant feeling of how Wankstoun gently and carefully runs his fingers through the curls of Bo's soft, slightly curly hair. What these two people have been looking for all their lives. Silence and tranquility, pleasant birdsong in the last rays of sun outside the window. What they so longed for and tried to find and finally found it in each other...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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