Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sexual Frustration

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It was another ordinary day at a medical clinic in Tokyo, except for one difference. A young woman named Yukari was sitting in the waiting room and nursing her aching lower back, which had resulted from countless hours spent at her desk as a university student.

"Bloody hell, this pain is killing me," she announced for staff and other visitors alike to hear, though only a few looked at her in sympathy.

A young nurse eventually strutted into the waiting room to the delight of everyone present. Her deliciously plump lips formed a smile as she focused on Yukari.

"Miss Tanimura, please follow me. Doctor Ichiro is ready for you."

"About damn time," Yukari remarked before rising from her seat with a creak. "You are one sexy nurse..."

"Why, thank you. Come along now..."

Yukari took the time to admire the nurse's shapely and appealing body until they reached Doctor Ichiro's office. There, the dashing medical professional strode towards them in all of his handsome and clean-cut glory.

"Nurse Kumiko, you're looking as lovely as ever." He turned to acknowledge Yukari as well. "Good afternoon, Miss Tanimura. The two of us will be in charge of your intimate check-up today. Please lie down on the bed when you're ready."


Oh yeah, that feels good. Push harder...

"Yukari, wake up! Why do you have to be in my armchair?" Futoshi's hoarse voice reached her ears, and she opened her eyes while bolting forward, prompting him to flinch. Yukari blinked under the bright light, finding the sight of his face detestable after her dream where she'd submitted to the capable hands of both Doctor Ichiro and his foxy assistant Kumiko.

Yukari remembered what she had been told about Kumiko being a kitsune, but she still didn't want to believe it. Meeting Ichiro for the first time had given her a newfound sense of hope, and if a fox spirit was somehow a more superior companion, than what did that say about her as a person? Perhaps what she had always feared was true. She was unworthy of love, whether it had been from her grandmother, father, or former boyfriend Ryōichi.

She grabbed at her own hair in despair. Is this my destiny? To be alone forever and ever?

"Hey, are you okay? I was just about to tell you that Ichiro and Kumiko are here."

"What?" Yukari jumped up and swept past Futoshi, her mind immediately filling with questions that she wanted to ask them. "Where are they?"

"In the kitchen..."

Yukari flung open the door leading to the other room and stopped upon seeing the pair leaning together against the kitchen bench while a kettle heated up on the stove nearby. She gulped and tried her damnedest not to imagine them naked like in her dream. Kumiko stepped away from the bench first. Yukari felt her heart race from both fear and desire since there was almost too much beauty in the room for her to handle.

"Futoshi told you the truth about me, didn't he?" Kumiko spoke up, drawing Yukari's attention to those soft pink lips that glistened in the kitchen light. She thought about kissing them and finding out how they tasted. "How do you feel about it?"

"Uh... good..." Yukari murmured, only to realize the implications of Kumiko's question and the woman's potential powers as a kitsune. "I mean, conflicted..."

Kumiko shifted right up to her. "Is that so?" she murmured in a deep and husky timbre that contrasted with the sweet voice from earlier. "You'd better keep it a secret, or I'll be the one to end you once and for all..."

Oh yes, please, Yukari thought, glancing down at the creature of destruction that was evidently contained within a cute yet scary package. She cleared her throat and put on a brave face. "You know, that doesn't sound as bad to me as you might think."

Ichiro snorted and straightened his back. "Is it just my imagination, or are you being suggestive with my wife?" He stepped forward and nudged his way between them, filling Yukari with an unreasonable amount of disappointment.

She tried to play it cool with a laugh like how young folks tended to do. "Ha, why would you think that? I could never compete with you anyway..."

"What?" Ichiro stared at her in confusion. If he was finding it difficult to grasp the idea of a woman being his romantic rival, Yukari couldn't blame him. After all, he must have grown up in a society far more repressive than the one that existed now, so he probably believed that love was something a person could only feel for the opposite sex.

Nevertheless, Yukari couldn't deny that Ichiro was quite attractive in his own right, so much so that she entertained the idea of making wild and filthy love to him as well. That's it. I don't care how much it hurts! I want to die being railed by you both!

Kumiko frowned again. "I have a feeling what's happening here. If you think we're going to fulfil your fantasies, then you are dead wrong."

As if to break the tension, the kettle on the stove started to screech. Kumiko hurried over to turn off the flames and put an end to the awful noise. "All right, Ichiro. Let's make some tea."

Ichiro nodded and opened the cupboard adjacent to him before bringing out a tray of utensils that appeared to have been arranged in advance. "I knew these would come in handy again. Watch the master do his work."

He slid his right foot in a move that almost befitted a boxer and steered his body to begin carrying the tray towards the living room, leaving Yukari with no choice but to evade his path. Kumiko followed behind while holding the kettle.

"Tea is still as big an affair for him as ever," the kitsune in human form muttered in amusement and weariness. "You'll be joining us, won't you?"

Yukari wondered if Kumiko's offer was part of some ploy to trap or humiliate her. There was only one way to find out, and with little left to lose, she acquiesced in her usual abrasive manner. "Sure, whatever. It's not like I'm already wasting my time."


Author's Note:

I intended for Yukari's dream visit to the clinic to be wildly inaccurate. She hasn't sought medical help for years, so her idea of what happens is a bit skewed.

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