Old Man, A Vampire, A Clown And A Russian

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The door to the casino had opened completly, to show four figures going thru them. A clown who was nearly jumping as he walked due to the amount of happines when he got to know about Sigma inviting him to the casino, just behind him was a russian man who looked at every other person beside the clown, with disgust. The next person walking thru that door was an old laughing male in a red uniform, he was holding the last figure, it was a torso of a pale man, thru his mouth you could see fangs, his hair was long and white, his body was nearly none existent but the thing you could notice nearly imidietly about him was the sword piercing thru what of him remains.

All of them went thru the hallway to the main hall, with clown and that old man laughing all the way witch had annoyed the other two. It was visible that the russian man and that vampire looking person did not wanted to be there, in fact they didnt have any option but coming along.

Finnaly they had arrived to the main hall only to go to another door leading to the manager’s office. In that specific office someone was already waiting for there arrivall, it was Sigma and how much they didnt want those four to be here, she already said that they can come to this building. (what a pain it will be dealing with them) Sigma thought. The clown started screaming as he ran thru that door.

-SIGMAAA!!! – he screamed running thru the door straight to Sigma’s desk– Im so happy that you invited us here, I cant even remember the last time I was here!

-hello Sigma, its a pleasure to see you. – spoke that russian man

- its good to see you Nikolai, Fyodor, Bram, Fukuchi – said the manager

-HAHA good evening friend – old man spoke

Vampire just looked at the manager as a form of greeting. The five stood in silence awkwardly looking at each other as none of them knew what to say, before finnaly Sigma broke the silence while placing on desk some documents.

-if you want to gamble – sigma spoke with an awkward smile – then you will have fill out these

Four men took those documents, three of them were already filling them out [Fukuchi was filling them up for Bram and handed them to Sigma for Bram] while Fyodor read thru them carefully and only after around 10 minutes when he finished, he started filling them out. When all of those men handed Sigma those documemts, one person from the casino’s staff was called.

- one of my workers will be waiting for you in the main hall she will explain everything to you, - manager started explaining - if you will need amy help or a guide to a certain place please report to her.

When those people were finnaly in the main hall Sigma sightet in relief

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