michael imagine.

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Imagine it's a rainy and stormy night. There's lighting outside and the lights are flickering. You hate lighting and you are scared of the dark. {go with it}. You were alone in your house and was scared to death. You suddenly hear a knock at your door. You jump at the sound. You grab a pan for defense and walk slowly to the door. You open it to a blue hair boy. You dropped the pan and thanked God it was just Michael. "Oh my gosh im so scared." Micheal said jokingly. You narrowed your eyes. "I was scared okay, don't judge." He just laughs. You smile. You head back to the bed. "Well you could at least give me cuddles since you are here." As he crawls in the bed with you he says "How can I pass up on that?". You guys snuggle up under the covers and you soon fall asleep to the sound of Michael's breathing as he's holding you close.

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