Lauren (girlxgirl)

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Staring out the kitchen window I thought about how lucky Kirsty was to get out this house, have her own life with her new husband living in their own home, no parents demanding orders or needs. Suppose I could go about saying she was their favourite daughter along with Desmé, most probably because they worshipped the ground our father walked on. Mean while, I prayed the ground he walked on would sink into the abyss so I'd never have to see him. Don't get me wrong, I love my mum it's just my dad I have problems with. She knows I dislike him and tries to make us civil with one another.

Hearing my little sister let out a scream with her tiny feet pattering along the tiled floor, pulled me out of my resonance. Turning around I saw her come running towards me, still screaming my eyes flickered up at the kitchen door when I picked her up into my arms holding her close against me. Her head buried into the crook of my shoulder clinging onto my neck, my dad walked into the kitchen looking smart as ever. His eyes landed on me then Desmé whom was still holding onto me tightly, not looking his way. Knowing him he probably did something deliberate to make her scream and come running to me. I kept my eyes on him watching his every move when he walked around the kitchen going straight to the fridge, bottles clanking inside as he took one out before leaving.

“Is he gone?” her tiny voice mumble against my neck, my head nodding still watching his retreating back down the hall way until he was no longer in sight.

“He's gone, why was he scaring you?” I enquired in a soft voice, still holding her I walked to the fruit bowl taking an apple out to eat.

“He was monster daddy, again.” Her small hands reaching for the apple in my hand, giving it her I let out a sigh knowing he had been drinking again.

She was too young to understand what he was, too vulnerable to know anything of a such existed in the world. I tried to put her back down on the floor only to have her cling onto my shirt for dear life, I leaned back against the counter while she munched away at the apple still in my arms. I started to hear my mum shouting at my dad, my little sister looking at me with wide eyes making me laugh slightly, apple juice around her mouth.

“Shall we get some ice cream?” I offered, her head nodding in reply handing me back the half eaten apple.

Dropping it into the bin I grabbed my car keys from the counter even though I won't be driving, I walked out the kitchen and down the hallway to sit her on the stairs to put her shoes on. Once they were on I got up from my knees opening up the door she ran outside into the warm summer sun, her blonde ringlets bobbing against her shoulders.

Walking with a small child was a whole new way of exercising – pulling on your arm while they jumped, skipped and hopped down the pavement – for waking up so early she sure has a lot of energy, I was just about managing to drag my feet along the floor. I felt my phone vibrate once in my pocket indication I had a text message knowing it was going to be off my mum. Scanning the message I quickly replied to tell her Desmé was with me, so she didn't have to worry.

It wasn't long until we were at the ice cream parlour, her hand leaving mine making her way over to the park to play with the other children. I kept my eyes on her while I waited in line to be served, a familiar voice calling my name from behind the counter. Turning around I faced the blonde girl, a smile on her pale pink lips causing me to grimace in return. I waited for the man in front of me to finished being served.

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