Chapter 13

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Artem's face snapped to look up, and his skin turned pale.

Another gunshot sounded.

"Uh," I said, my heart picking up pace. "Crap."

He grabbed my hand and I felt a strong tug.


Two more gunshots rang. And the targets?

Yep, me and my lawyer.

As we ran, the bullet missed my ear by barely an inch.

Sweat ran down my forehead and I could hear the throbbing of my heart reach my ears– loud and afraid.

"To the car!" I yelled.

"Shit" he ducked.

The bullet hit the ground, a cloud of sand and dust fogging around us.

This was bad.

Really bad.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins as the shots got faster.

Almost near the car.

Artem unlocked the doors.

Bang. Bang.

I cursed, as the back tires were punctured holes into them.

Tugging his arm tight, I hauled him behind the car as shots rang. Huffing, I glanced at him, as we crouched behind the thing that used to be his car but was more like a metal scrap getting more and more holes.

"Not feeling so much more generous with goodness anymore, are we?"

"You should learn to time your snark well," he panted.

"What do we do now?"

He ran a hand through his hair, looking confused.

"Do you have, like, some guns in your car trunk?"

He gave me a look that told me exactly how plausible that was.


"Get aside!"

He roughly pulled me from my side to his. I stumbled.

The glass window shattered and shards of glass flew to the spot where I was just a second ago.

"Don't dare take a look above," I warned, noticing he was trying to get up from the crouching position.

I could feel my heart in my throat, choking.

"This won't be safe for long," he replied.

"No," I said firmly. "Please."

The sound of windows breaking, gunshots and yells filled the air, along with dust.

My hands trembled.


Fear clawed on me.

Fear unlike any I had felt in months. Years.

Was I feeling scared of... death?

No. There was nothing to lose. Nothing to go back to. Nothing whatsoever to–

Dark blue eyes met mine and Artem pulled his phone out of the pocket, scrolling hastily.

Modern age, right? Solution to every problem is the phone at the end.

Among the sounds of gunshot, a roaring sound tore.

I froze.

A jeep came to a sudden halt beside us.

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