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It is only on the most overwhelming days of the life, that everything around you feels too surreal to leave. My heart is a mixed bag, where one part is extremely elated by the bond that David and Patrick share as they take a leap and decide to spend their life together here in our cute little town of Schitt's Creek as a married couple, followed by a sinking feeling about where my life is headed, now that I have decided to head to New York alone. But not without saying my goodbyes. 

As I enter Cafe Tropical to fetch my regular smoothie, my eyes glance towards the table where Ted and I shared our last date. I can't believe he is gone. I feel as broken as the day when I had lost him the first time because I was too consumed by my whims. We did what we had to, to grow as individuals, but did it have to be at the cost of our surprisingly healthy relationship? As I shrug these thoughts away, I find Twayla walking towards me with the smoothie. 

"So, have you got everything packed? When is your flight?"

"It's in six hours, and David and Patrick helped me pack way ahead of schedule. I guess they are too excited to have the town to themselves"

"Oh c'mon Alexis don't say know that we will be missing you way too much. And now that you'll be gone, I don't think our social lives are ever going to be the same" Twayla chuckles, 

"I know you are just saying that to make me feel better, and it is working! Anyway, now that you have got all that money lying around, you have to come meet me okay? and Tway, I guess it is about time that you taste the city life, and the city boys!" *wink wink* 

"Enough with that already, I'm hooking up with my cousin Betty's friend Jared. He has a very interesting job...he sells skeletons to artisans, and they make jewellery out of it. He has even promised me that our next date will be in their workshop. But anyway, about visiting New York, I will definitely take that into consideration as I could use some decor pieces to renovate this cafe, now that I OWN IT"

"Well good for you Tway, I'm running late...I'll text you when I get there, see you soon" 

I began to walk away with my smoothie, ignoring the defiant air of uncertainty that chilled my spine, as I imagined my time away from this warmth that the town bestowed me with. That is the thing about small towns, every corner is a place of memories. 

"Ah, there you are Lexi!" screamed Jocelyn from the other side of the street as she ran towards me with a life-size soft toy which I can only hope is not a parting gift from her side. 

"Running is not a good colour on you Jocelyn, you really need to take a breather" 

"I was looking for you everywhere. I know Johnny and Moira are busy touring for the motels, and there is no one to see you off, so I just wanted to let you know that Mutt is free to drop you off at the airport" 

While actively thinking about how awkward it would be to have my ex-boyfriend drop me off at the airport for good, and also evaluating it with my other options (which are basically none), I nodded uneasily and said, "I guess that would be fine Jocelyn" 

Jocelyn smiled and waltzed away with the soft toy whose intentions still remained undisclosed. I walked and stood in front of the town hall and glanced at the potted plants that my mother rather violently imposed to beautify the town. I guess she has that effect on people, and I am not sure if I do. 

A fun fact is that I haven't been feeling myself lately. As I enter the room and the ceiling light flickers, I immediately visualise Dad standing up on a stool, and despite having no knowledge of electric equipment whatsoever, completely immersing himself in the process of fixing it. I wish he could do the same for my life. I know I sound like the world is going to end right this second, but if you know me, you know that I'm nothing without my dramatic flair. 

As I packed my belongings and approached the lobby, I didn't find Stevie in her usual spot. What I found instead, was an opened pack of cigarettes, and the bookmarked page of How To Be A Business Mogul. I broke into a smile and thought more about where she could be instead. Meanwhile, her assistant Lan walked down the stairs and informed me, "Emir was in town and he invited Stevie to join him on an inspection tour, and she accepted his offer, so..." to which I responded saying, "Love that for her! I guess I'll be on my way then". 

I couldn't plaster the fake smile for longer, because this is not how I imagined what leaving this town would feel like. You know when I first stepped foot here, I was on a call with my friends wailing like a disaster victim anticipating a rescue operation. But the calmness, the charm of being close and involved in each other's lives, the poor taste of avocado smoothie but with the richness of their hearts, the quirks, all of it has grown on me. If it would not have been for them, I would have still believed that there is nothing more to life than my sartorial choices and male attention. 

Now that my journey here is ending, I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. I want to feel desperate enough to rush out of here, but not having my loved ones around to see me off makes me anxious about what I am about to face. As I find myself in Mutt's car driving towards the airport in silence, my heart feels full. It is not a perfect goodbye, maybe because it is not time to say goodbye after all. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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