Music Therapy

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CAUTION! The end of the chapter contains some racial slurs/insults.

You spend the rest of the afternoon helping 'Ben' get reintroduced to certain things, including food should he get hungry since there weren't many snacks available.Although you did have to show him how to use the campfire cooker since he looked really freaked out having to use your electrical cooker. He seemed to calm down after that.

Then the washer beeped causing the poor guy to jump at the sound with you having to explain it does that to show its finished the washing cycle. You take out all the washing, put them in the basket, and then take them into the living room and hang some of them on the radiators, aside from a certain piece of clothing. You kept those in the basket ready for when it was time to sleep.
"Alright, so that's everything essential done" you state as you put the basket down on the table "as I already stated, there are plenty of books here for you to read, and aside from the Television, I also have a radio that I think still works, I can't really remember the last time I used it though"
You would have to check on that in the morning.
"I might stick to the radio if I want background noise thank you, it sounds more simple than using a. Tel-e-Vison"
"Just call it a TV, it's easier to say" you offered "but okay, I'll check the radio in the morning, I wake up early all the time so I'll have plenty of time to sort it out should there be an issue"
'Ben' nodded, silently fiddling with his fingers. You choose not to point it out, but you can tell that he's unsettled with everything.
"You know what? Let's try that old thing now, if there's one thing I know for certain, the body always knows what beat it grooves to" you have a genuinely big smile on your face as you go to the cupboard under the stairs and pull out your, rather large, radio.
Well, more like a radio with a built-in record player, but who's checking?
You pick it up and shut the door with your hip before making your slow walk into the living room, making sure not to bang the equipment on anything.
"Behold my master radio" you joke as you hold it up for him to see, granted you couldn't see his expression.
"It looks amazing? Do all radios look like that?" he sounded like he was in, awe? It was hard to tell.
"Oh they come in all shapes and sizes" you reply happily, feeling comfortable about the topic "unfortunatly I don't remember when this one came out, but..." you pause dramatically as you place it down on the small table and lift the lid up "not only does it work as a radio, but also a record player?"
Fishsticks, you don't remember what it was called.
"A gramophone" he whispers as he looks at the object as if it held the key to all of his memories "radio..."
He trails off, eyes glued completely on the radio/gramophone as if hypnotised by it.
You stay silent for a moment, waiting to see if he'll break out of the strange daze he was in, when he doesn't, you decide to turn it on, maybe some music would help.
"Let's start with something simple" you murmur to yourself as you turn it on and search for the classical station you listened to as a child.
The only sound filling the air was the static crackling from the radio as you fiddled with the knob, 'Ben' was silent the entire time. And you didn't dare risk 'waking' him up in case it damaged his brain further.
And then you found it, Classical Station. It even had your favourite music playing too. Unfortunately 'Ben' hadn't reacted to it, but you leave the song playing until it finished, just to be safe.
"Buzz, buzz" he muttered as it finished.
You look at him in confusion for a moment before changing channels. This time the music was more up beat.
You hear something tap against the floor, when you look down you see that its his foot tapping in time with the beat. So he likes music with a beat in them. Progress.
You look back and see him lightly frowning. Like he's heard the music before but he just can't place where exactly. Like seeing an object in the fog and trying to guess what it was.
You switch again after the song finishes. This one played songs that sounded a little too... odd for your liking. You don't remember what kind of music it was though.
The song was at the end, it was the next one that seemed to bring 'Ben' back from whatever hole he was stuck in.
"This song..." he trailed off as he focused more on the song.
His eyes seemed more focused now, as if the radio now held the key to unlocking all of his memories. Or some of them at least.
You don't say anything, you just sit on the sofa behind 'Ben' and wait in silence.
You aren't sure whether to be happy or worried about the situation right now, it hadn't been long since he woke up and if this triggered something in his memories, there could be potential backlash from the sudden memory.
The worst part was that you weren't sure if you would be able to take him to the hospital even if his life was in danger. When your instinct was to take him to the hospital after seeing him unconscious for the first time, it felt like your entire body had been grabbed by an unknown force and was holding you hostage until you changed your mind.
A part of you was scared, what would happen again if his life was in danger and his only solution was to go to the hospital? What then?
"We hoped you liked it, now for a trip down memory with one of the most iconic songs ever, from the infamous movie you all know and love 'your never fully dressed without a Smile' "
The music began to play and singing could be heard, you notice 'Ben' leaning forward as if recognising the song.
He stayed still and silent the entire time the song played. Not even a foot tap.
"I think I'm ready to sleep" he whispers when the song finishes. He sounded defeated.
"Sure" you reply in the same tone while standing up, about to hold your hand out to him but immediately pull it back.
You highly doubted he wanted any physical comfort at the moment. So you just settle for turning the radio off "I also left your, um, well I left something in the basket for you to dry in your room" you felt really uncomfortable saying this.
He looked at you blankly but nods as you gesture to the basket in question.
"I left your room open so you know which one it is" you feel like you've already told him this so quickly finish the 'conversation' with "I'll see you in the morning, hope you sleep well"
'Ben' never gave you a reply. But he did take the final piece of washing with him to hang on the radiator in his room.
As he lay in the darkness, he felt his body go cold as if ducked underwater. Again.
Chocolate boy
Stop playing in the mud
Let's give him a good washdown

A woman looks at him with a smile... it looked wrong...

You never heard him gasping as he woke up in shock. And fear.

Trapped In Another Time (Yandere Alastor x Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon