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Angrboda sighed as Atreus spoke asking how she was and asking if she had done this and that if she needed help with anything or if she was getting enough sleep he did this all the damn time she shook her head "would you just let me paint Atreus please?" He stopped "oh sorry was I rambling?" She nodded and he raised his hands apologetically and sat back neither of them spoke for a long few minutes.

"Angrboda?" She sighed and turned to him "what?" He stood and moved next to her "do-do you-" he paused "do you hate me Angrboda?" She raised an eyebrow "what gives you that idea?" He gulped "giant vision" he muttered.

She stood up and turned to the boy having to tilt her head up slightly to make eye contact "I do not hate you Atreus" she gently took his hand in hers "how could I hate you Atreus?" He lowered his head letting her mess with his hair he bit back a curse and stood straight suddenly causing Angrboda to stumble.

"I just remembered I've got a meeting with Thrud soon" she nodded and hugged him goodbye he walked off and vanished into the Mystic Gateway she sat back down to paint as she always did every single day in between chores.

She painted slowly and methodically she was almost done with it she heard a sound and turned yelping in surprise and leaping back startled as Kratos stood there spear in hand "I heard you needed something for self defence now that the realms are being re-inhabited" she raised her hand slightly and stood "who told you-" "Atreus" she nodded slowly.

He took Draupnir off his finger tossing it over she caught it and looked up at him "be careful Angrboda Atreus cares for you" she looked back at the ring and when she went to look back at Kratos he was gone "how does he always do that?" She wondered aloud.

She put the ring on her finger and walked forward hopping on Yallas back and rode out to gather more green bulbs once she returned she laid down on her bed with a tired exhale she heard footsteps and a soft chuckle as she laid there.

"Sleepyhead" Atreus teased he couldn't help but admire her physique her curvy frame and cute slightly visible cleavage and her round butt that fit her body perfectly "stop it Loki" she said in a annoyed and sleepy voice he smiled and sat beside her his hand instinctively moving to her hair to play with it.

She yawned it did always help her sleep whenever he played with her hair at least he thought so she moved slightly he helped her pull her dress off so she could sleep in her clothing under it he set tree elegantly armoured dress down and then returned to Angrboda's side.

She was barely awake he laid down beside her "Loki no" she complained sleepily he hugged her from behind "come on you always like cuddles" she let out a small sound something between a soft moan and an annoyed groan he smiled she was adorable when she was tired.

"Fine but no funny business Loki" he cringed slightly he knew why she was saying that he did some pretty dirty stuff last time "I promise I won't" she huffed "you better not you got your juices all over my shirt when you did what you did last time" he hid his face in the back of her neck blushing red.

She fell asleep soon after and he laid there embarrassed while his junk in his pants was ready to go for a ride he gulped softly and cling to Angrboda trying to ignore the urge to jerk off or to grind on her like he did last time he shook his head slightly and breathed slow and deep.

He fell asleep there cuddling Angrboda with his head resting in her bosom and his big friend in his trousers begging for release.

Angrboda awoke to the sounds of birds and a wolf panting she opened her eyes and gasped softly as she felt Atreus laying against her but that's not what got her to gasp she looked down his groin was poking her in the small of her back she moved away and stood up she got changed not realising that Atreus had awoken until she felt eyes on her she turned back from her bent over position seeing Atreus staring with wide eyes at her panties.

She blushed "p-pervert!" She yelped and stood up he inhaled and stood it's clear seeing her like that got him pretty excited based on the large bulge that she could clearly see in his trousers "Angrboda I-" she moved away with a embarrassed whimper he sighed "I am so sorry I just was so shocked to wake up to that and I just-" "I know" she said in a small voice.

He nodded slowly "so should I just?" He began tugging at his belt she went wide eyed "what the fuck Loki!" She screamed and shoved him away "what? I was just asking?" She shivered "We are friends Loki nothing more" he lowered his head "okay" he said quietly it broke her heart to see him sad but she had her limits and he crossed a line by suggesting that they should fuck.

She turned away sitting down "sit Atreus" he sat next to her after a moment "you cannot treat me like this it feels like you see me as just a thing to stick your dick in" he froze "no that-that's not what-I'm sorry Angrboda I didn't mean it like that!" He stuttered out.

She sighed "your not being slick you know that?" He whimpered embarrassed by his actions "I'm sorry it's just I-I can't" he lowered his head "I'm sorry Angrboda I'll be better I'll stop" she nodded "you better hold your word" he hugged her she sighed and hugged back "why must he be so weird" Angrboda wondered to herself as he sobbed quietly into her shoulder.


Hello there I just wanted to quickly thank everyone who has read these I never expected so many people to read my works it's unreal so I want to know if anyone who reads this has any ideas for other stories I can write in and out of the God of War universe, also I wanted to apologise for not posting anything for a hot minute I have been spending time with distant family and didn't have time to write but I do now so I hope you'll all enjoy whatever stories I post in the future.

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