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"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." ~ C.S. Lewis

15 year old Primrose Raven AKA Nightshade has been kept a secret for 15 years. She avoids others, and she doesn't know who to trust. She is a secret, rogue, and loner heroine who can control the weather.

......... and then the super spy Nick Fury found her out.

Nick Fury: Primrose Raven, AKA Nightshade

Nightshade: that's me. What do you want?

Nick Fury: I'm here to recruit you into SHIELD.

Nightshade: uh-huh... no thanks. I know what your tryna do. Make me your mindless slave. No thank you and now that you've figured me out I must knock you out using my powers.......... Lightning Storm!

A lightning cloud appeared above Nick Fury. Nick Fury dodged the lightning.

Nick Fury: Sorry, but if you're gonna knock me out you must be a master sp—


Nick Fury is down on the floor.

Nightshade: I guess I'm a master spy then.  I gotta go before you decide to wake up.

Nightshade got out of there using her Lightning speed

Nick Fury: Teenagers.


Nightshade: I can't believe Nick Fury tried to recruit me into SHIELD. Doesn't he know I'm proud to be a loner? Imagine, me and some soldiers of SHIELD working together. I'm sure there's even some superheroes there that they're trying to trick me into working with. Well, sorry. I'm a loner. Always have been, always...

She sighed.

Nightshade: ...will be.

She is getting sort of lonely being without a team. Without any family or friends whatsoever. Maybe she should've just considered Fury's offer instead of knocking him out with her powers.

Nightshade: what do I do...

A voice in her head appeared

The way I see it, you could've accepted Fury's offer and go into SHIELD. So, what is it, Nightshade? Do you really still want to be a loner? Or do you wanna be an actual hero? Your call.

Nightshade: ......


Nightshade: Fury's right. I'm done with the secrecy! I'm done with keeping myself a secret! It's time to show everyone what Nightshade can actually do!

Nightshade got recruited into SHIELD and is training on her own.

Nick Fury: Welcome to SHIELD, Nightshade. Hope you survive the experience!

And then the lasers targeted her

Nightshade: dang it, dang it, dang it......

She went for the robots' only weakness; water.

Nightshade: Rain Storm!

She unleashed rain and the robots short circuited.

Nightshade: next.

Nick Fury: good job, Nightshade. Now for the next thing.

She had to parachute down and she did safely.


She is now working with a "team." Wait, no. A program, as Coulson said, consisting of Power Man, Nova, White Tiger, Iron Fist, and last but definitely not least, Spider-man.

Peter just got saved from Flash by Luke.

Peter: Do I know you? Any of you?

Danny: Say hello to your new classmates. Danny Rand.

Luke: Luke Cage.

Sam: Sam Alexander.

Ava: Ava Ayala.

Primrose: Primrose Raven. Think about it.

Then Peter realized...

Peter: what?!?

Sam: yeah some idiot gave Fury the bright idea we needed for "me time."

Luke: FYI, don't sweat the secret ID. Code of silence, man.

Peter: hey, this... this is great. Really... really great...uh. I just need to go talk to a guy...

As he ran off, Primrose rolled her eyes as it was obvious that he was lying.

Primrose: he's such a bad liar.

Ava: yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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