Day 10: Thanksgiving

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It was finally Thanksgiving. I got to go back to Maryland for 2 days, then we come back home for me to go back to school. "I miss my friend back in Missouri." I told my mom. "I'm sure he misses you too baby girl." Said mom. He texted me the sweetest thing this morning. "Hey babe, I already miss seeing y beautiful smile. I love your smile, and your eyes. They're both suck in my mind for days. Wait, no, since you moved here. I miss you babe. Have fun in Maryland. Don't flirt with any guys up there!(; Come home soon, beautiful." Daltin said. "Hey babe, I miss you more than anything too. I miss you're handsome smile. That's my favorite thing about you. You're smile is so perfect in to many ways. It makes me smile. Oh, trust me I won't flirt with any guys up here, I got one back in Marshfield. More importantly dont you be flirting with any girls. You're all mine. I mean we aren't official, yet. But you're mine. I got to go, babe. See you soon. Xoxo. I said. "I might have to ask you to be mine cause you're absolutely amazing. We will see. The day maybe soon!(; talk to you later. Bye, have fun babe." Daltin said. I had to ignore it because my family started to come to my aunts house. I helped them put the stuff up. I had to organize it because it was begging me. Haha. We are baptist. We always pray and thank God for our food and the hands who prepared it. We dig in. Everyone was there, but my grandma. It made me sad. But she told me when I use to live in Maryland, "when I'm gone, just remember I'm up in heaven smiling down on you." So I knew that I couldnt be sad, because she's right beside me. Every step of the way, anyways. I got my food I had some ham, Green bean casserole, a roll and something to drink. My family was talking. And I got a message from Daltin, and it was random. "Brook I like you, a lot. And lm not going to ask you out on a holiday. But if I asked you out what would you say?" Daltin said. "Aw, babe. I like you too. Obviously. I would say yes because I do like you a lot, but if you asked me out in a holiday, I'd say no. That would be weird. Lol." I said. "Lol, yeah. I wouldn't even ask anyone to do that. Haha. & good. Because I want you to call you mine. said. "Aw, Daltin. I already call you mine.(;" I said. "I know, babe. But I don't want guy to think you're single. I want you. No one else." Daltin said. I really couldn't help but smile. My cousin, Jessie looked at me and said "aw is that kid, what's his name Daltin texting you?" Then everyone looked and I was red. So, I just smiled and told them "yes I am talking to someone." My whole family just said aww, I bet hes a keeper! "I think he is" I said. I talked to my family, we took pictures. Lots of pictures. I love thanksgiving & the break that goes with it! We were there for along time. Like 12? I was so tired. I didnt even take a shower when we got home. I stayed up late. But passed out by 1.

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