tagged again for cods sake

28 3 39

And here we go again. Thanks AJ.

1. Full name

Option 1: Cat
Option 2: Lizzie
Option 3: real-name-that-only-Pearl-and-AJ-know

2. Hobbies

Writing, drawing, dancing, reading, listening to music

3. Age and birthday

Ima child, birthday is February 10th (proud Aquarius!)

4. Best mate

Are they an online bestie? Yes. Are they amazing and the only person I would literally die for? Also yes.

5. Hair color

Brown and straight as a stick. Kind of unlike me. (Haha gay joke)

6. Biggest fea-


7. Cats or dogs

My name is (not irl) literally Cat WHAT DO YOU THINK??

8. Current mood

Ah yes, the joys of alexithymia. I don't fvcking know.

9. Last book I read

I haven't actually READ in a while, so I'll say my favourite book.
The Majors series.
(I know it's 2, kind of 3 books ok shutup)

10. What I hate about myself

-anything I haven't already listed

11. What I like about myself

And there we go!

Oop time to tag people


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