Free day and team bonding

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Today is our free day, meaning no training. I decided I'd sleep in today and woke up at 10. I woke up and made myself some poached eggs for breakfast. They weren't the best poached eggs I'd ever made but they were still good. I ate 2 of them before getting changed. 

I decided today that I was just going to do some touristy things as I hadn't yet explored the new place I call home

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I decided today that I was just going to do some touristy things as I hadn't yet explored the new place I call home. After getting dressed I decided to go and visit the Tower of London. While at the Tower of London, the Arsenal group chat started going off.

Leah: What's everyone up to? I was thinking we did team bonding at my house and then maybe go to a karaoke bar night.

Manu: Yh that sounds like a good idea

Kaylan: Sure, what time do you want us there?

Leah: I was thinking 3?

Laura: Alright that works.

Leah: Cool, see you all later.

I guess I'm going to have to cut my tourist attraction day to a halt. It was already 1 so decided I'd stop and get some food before heading there. I ended up going to the divine restaurant coffee bar before heading over to Leah and Lia's place.

I was the last to arrive but I was still on time. I arrived at 5 to 3. I'm normally one of the earliest so this is weird.

'You're the last one,' Leah said as she let me. The only seat free was on the floor next to Kim so that's where I sat in between Kim and Viv. 

'You're normally one of the earliest people. Where were you?' Jordan asked in a jokey way. 

'Well, I planned to have a touristy day as I hadn't had one yet so I was actually at the Tower of London when you were asking in the chat.' I informed them. 'So what were we thinking of doing?' I asked Leah. 

'I was thinking we could play Never Have I Ever and learn more about you cause we haven't yet been able to get to know you that well yet off the pitch.' Leah said.

'Alright, I said that sounds good.' I replied. Let's hope these questions are too wild.

'OK but please remember to do decent and not too wild questions, Sarah's still a kid.' Beth said making people giggle at how motherly she's become towards me, her and Viv to be fair, they've both become my football parents. 

'Alright, the rules are you have 10 fingers and you put down a finger if you have done it and first one with none left is out or wins depending on how you look at it' Leah said. ' Frida, do you want to go first?'

'Sure, Never Have I Ever gone skinny dipping?' Frida said. Quite a few people put their fingers down surprising me.

'We'll just go round in the circle.' Leah suggests.

'Never have I ever cheated on a test,' Mana said.

'You haven't cheated on a test I asked her. Surely everyone does at least once.' I say completely shocked she's never done it.

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