voicemails (ch. 1.5)

470 10 6

Mk and redson looked around the room, questioning where the voice was coming from.

As If on queue the voices responded"Well isn't it mk the Monkie kid and redson the son of the bull demon family, how sweet" the almost automated voice said.

Confusion filled Mk as he shivered in reds arms, red holding him closer

A question was the asked by red "Who are you?" Redson asks nervously. The voice giggled, "oh you don't need that information yet~"

Quickly, mk activated his gold vision.

"Up until now, you'll powers will be stored somewhere safe" the voice laughed as mk felt his body growing weak, redson felt himself get a bit cold but sense he still has a piece of the samadhi fire in him, he still had some type of powers.

"Eventually you'll get your powers back, by earning them~"

the speakers beeped, like a voicemail. . .

"kid! Where are you? Just so you know your in big trouble young man! Pigsy stop! Mk where are you it's been hours, we know your someone with your window open. Be safe and stay strong"

then another beep

"Son. What happened to you? We cannot find you anywhere? We deeply apologize if we hurted you. . .Redson, dear, come back."

the couple was mortified, "NO MOMMA, PAPA- IM HERE! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Redson was punching the door screaming when he heard his parents.

Mk was just in shocked

"If you keep on acting up like this, you two will be separated."

Redson quickly went back into the bed, hugging mk close to his chest, growling softly, "please- n-no.." Mk told the mastermind.

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