✙Chapter One✙

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Chapter One

"Where are you going Aziza?" My fat ass boss asked.

I'm going some where to mind my own fucking business you pig.

"Aziza! You need to stop zoning out like that. Where the hell are you going?" He asked one more time. I wish I could just punch his bold headed self.

"It's my break." I said putting on my jacket. I kissed my rosary then put it under my shirt.

"Not uh I don't think so." My boss pulled on my arm and I tugged away pushing him a little. He looked startled then slapped me across the face. He's lucky no one saw him. No one comes into this broke down cafe anyway.

"Listen here bitch. Touch me like that again I'll do more then just slap you." I held my hand on my cheek and glared at him.

And if you touch me like that again I'll put your dick in a meat grinder.

"Do you understand?!" He screamed in my face. I could vomit right now at his horrid breath, but no. That'll piss him off even more.

"Yes." I said still glaring at him.

"Now go on your fucking brake." My boss pushed me out of the door and I stumbled on my feet almost loosing my balance.

"It's break not brake." I mumbled. "Fucking prick." I said under my breath and zipped up my coat. I walked down the leaf covered side walk and made a little game along the way. If I step on a crack I quite my job. I purposely stomped on the crack looking like a maniac. The people looking at me probably think I'm crazy. I'm just a little though. I skipped back to my job and opened the door happily. I might be really broke when I quit, but I need to focus on becoming a nurse.

"Hey asshole!" I called out intering the kitchen. "I quit, because you're a horrible boss who jacks off to gay porn and quite frankly I don't think your wife likes that. A nigga gets tired of yo shit a nigga- oh my gosh." I saw my boss duck tapped on the mouth, hands, and ankles. I took the duck tape off of his mouth quickly.

"Behind you!" He screamed. I turned around and saw a built guy with the blondest hair I've ever seen. It almost looked white and with chocolate eyes. I crawled back and his muscular figure kept walking to me. "Do something!" My boss yelled. When he did the blond guy lifted me up by my shirt. This guy was a giant. He had to be 6'4 or something. I kneed him in the balls and bit down on his arm. I hope he doesn't have any diseases. I took a knife from the cutting bored and stabbed him in his stomach. He grunted out loud and another guy came to me and punch me right in the face.

I fell back with the knife flying out of my hand. I tried lifting my head, but that hurt like hell. I used all my force to turn around and crawl towards the knife. When I was almost there to grab it. The brown haired guy grabbed onto my foot and I used my other to kick him hard on the knee cap. He let go of my foot and I went back to the knife and stabbed him in his thigh. He kicked under my jaw and all I saw was blurry lights.

"Brando! Stop being a fucking pussy and get the bitch!"

"Will you shut the fuck up! The bitch stabbed my stomach you dick!"

"Well she stabbed my thigh!"

"Please! Please just take her. I won't tell anyone I swear." Oh my boss is so going to hell.

"Shut the fuck up!" Then I heard a gun shot. I made a grunting noise and tried to move my body.

"Omar. Knock her out." And Omar did as he was told.


"Hey, do you ever think we could change the whole world?" I looked at Shaun confusingly and drank some Hennessy.

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