Chapter 2

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"May, come on. We've known each other for a long time now. I saw how you acted around him!" Byeol claimed as she sat infront of May in the campus cafeteria. Yoongi's girlfriend was a small but feisty woman with a cool jet black hair that ended just at the base of her neck. The two quickly became close girl friends naturally because: a) May had no actual close friends and refused to be friends with just anyone and b) Byeol was always with Yoongi 24/7, meaning the two always ended up meeting during the boys' hangouts.

May sighed and rolled her eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

She inched closer to her friend. "You have a crush on him, don't you? The cold May has a little crush on Jimin's new roommat-"

May shuddered at the mention of Jungkook and stuffed Byeol's opened mouth with a banana. "You're so loud, how does Yoongi put up with you."

"It's the fact that you shoved this banana in my mouth with no problem, that's how," she muffles while chewing the banana.

May scrunched her face to show disgust and slapped her arm as Byeol snickered at her reaction.

Although, May had not seen Jungkook since that night they all had dinner he hadn't left her mind even for a second. She was just thankful that she was able to keep her calm and not go into a full panic attack now.

Whether she liked it or not though, she was gonna have to face him again in class. The module that they shared unfortunately had two classes per week, so that will be the number of time she had to see him if she was lucky enough enough not to bump into him outside of class, which to May was already too much.

As she entered the lecture hall of the said module, she noticed she was a little early to class as there were not many people yet in the lecture hall and much to her liking, Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. She sat down besides a few acquaintances and started making small talks in hopes that Jungkook will not approach her if he happened to see her. More students come filling up the room and the lecture started as soon as the lecturer arrived.

The professor opened up a powerpoint slide to show the instructions to an assignment. "Good morning everyone, I'm glad to see that almost all the seats are filled. I'll begin now." He started recalling his introduction from last class and began to explain their assignment. "Before I start with today's lecture, let me explain your task. This project will carry 80% of your overall grade, keep that in mind. You will have until the end of this semester to work on it. However, I'm not that despicable. This will not be an individual work. You will be doing it in pairs."

As soon as the those words left his mouth, muffled sounds started to fill the room as students were scurrying to find partners. May looked around the room and accidentally made eye contact with Jungkook which lasted a millisecond before she quickly turned back to look at the lecturer.

"Quiet, quiet. Unfortunately for you or maybe fortunately for some of you, you will not get to choose your own partner," he said which earned him a few groans from the students. He made a click on his laptop showing the next slide, "and here, I have already prepared," he said pointing to the presentation before continuing, "the list of partners."

May's eyes hurriedly scanned and re-scanned the slide to find her name amongst all the names until she found it and the name besides it. Her eyes widened and her heart started beating faster. 'No.'

Everyone around her started looking for their partner while she just sat still staring at the slide.  The lecturer spoke again, "Okay class, quiet down. I will give you time to discuss later. Let me further explain what you need to be doing."

The room was silent aside from the sound of her lecturer speaking at the front of the room. She could barely focus on whatever he was saying.

'This must be a nightmare. I did not just go from avoiding him to being stuck with him for an entire semester to work on a project.' She was cursing the cruelty of her fate even more than when she found out they were in the same class. Silently, she prayed for some error in the list - although it was unlikely - or for something, something to happen. At that point, she wished the professor would change his mind to let them do their own task individually, she didn't care about the workload as long as she didn't have to do it with 'him'.

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