Prologue : Cromdo Arrives at Snaktooth

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Cromdo had finally arrived at Snaktooth Island, walking over to where he can see it on his airship. It began to rain, as he took out his map to make sure this was the right island he was going to. All of a sudden, a rogue giant moth-like creature appeared. It appeared to be made out It headed towards the airship and crashed into it, which caused him to fall right onto the island.


He let out a scream when he fell. He slowly got up and looked around, spotting his eyes on what looks to be an arch-like entrance made of rocks. He walked through it, spotting some sort of fry-like creature. He eventually reached the end, looking around once again and spotted a bridge. He walked on the bridge, until it suddenly started collapsing, and he ran across quickly. He then was at an area with what seemed to be a broken "dock" with a ladder, alongside tons of nature. He walked on the "dock" and looked up in the sky. There it was, the giant pizza moth again.


The chant was very loud, and it caused the "dock" to start shuffling, and break. Cromdo landed on a rock face-first, eventually blacking out.



"Is the camera rolling? *ahem* *ahem*"

"Greetings! I am Eggabell Batternugget; Intrepid explorer, seeker of the unknown, hunter of undiscovered creatures-"

"*smooch* And she's a real charmer!"

"Ahaha, Liz, stop!"

"What? The people deserve to know!"

"*whispers* You're the only one who gets to know."

"*chuckles* Okay, okay, okay."

"*ahem* *ahem* *ahem* I'm Eggabell, and i've made an incredible discovery here on Snaktooth Island!"

"But this is more than a mere expedition, my followers and i have started building a new community here!"

"Construction of our settlement is well underway!"

"And what draws us so far away from civilization? What discovery could tempt us to start a new life in the untamed wild?"


"They're the most delicious thing in the world! You haven't lived 'til you tried one!"

"It's true! Half Bug, half Snak! There's nothing quite like them!"

"There's one right now!"

"I got it! I got it!"


"Good effort, Beff..."

"As for you, I'm sure your wondering why i've sent you this film. I've read your work. 'The Shadow Of Grumpfoot', 'The Secret of Soylent Grump', stellar pieces of journalism!"

"Like me, you have a passion for discovering unknown truths, and also like me, few truly recognize your talent."

"You are just the Grumpus i need to share my story with the world!"

"I've sent you a map to our settlement. Come to Snaktooth Island!"

"Together, you and I will share the incredible tale of Bugsnax!"


"Wow. That is your new lead? Another monster hunt..."

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you have caused me? I had to recall half a million papers AND give a public apology. All because your Grumpfoot turned out to be a lost football mascot!"

"We've been over this...It doesn't matter how eye-catching your articles are if I am stuck cleaning up your sloppy work!"

"You are already out of second chances, and now you're gonna follow Eggabell to some grumpforsaken island!?" 

"Eggabell Batternugget is either a con artist or a LUNATIC! Remember that whole mess with Grumplantis? This Bugsnax thing is just her latest delusion."

"Why don't ya believe in Bugsnax?"

"Because I have got a working brain."

"What's wrong with Snaktooth Island?"

"Do your research. Ships go missing around there all of the time. The place is like me before I get my coffee. Deadly."

"What do ya know about Eggabell?"

"She got a bit famous after stumbling across some forgotten civilization in Grumpsylvania. She has been coasting off that success ever since."

!! "Well, i'm goin'!"

"This is absolutely absurd. Only a desperate loser would follow Eggabell..."

"...Well, it IS a tantalizing story if it is true. We will just have to hear it from Eggabell herself. Say you go and get an interview with her and make it back alive, you just might keep your job. Now get going. And try not to fall off a cliff or something."




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