Chpater 1- Transformation.

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With every punch she threw at the boxing bag, her stomach tossed and turned with the ever-increasing sense of anxiety. She didn't want to stop. She COULDN'T stop. She had to become stronger for both herself and her family, even if it meant bloodying up her already scarred knuckles.

"Gloves exist, y'know?"

The girl swiftly spun around, the movement of her last punch sending the bag back to her and knocking her down onto the ground. It took every last bit of strength the other girl had not to laugh.

"Shut up." She sighed. She attempted to stand up with the support of her hands; a stinging sensation shooting up her wrists.

"Here, let me-"

"It's fine, really."

She stood up on her own, hovering right hand over her bloodied up left one. A soft light dimmed from the palm of her hand, little sparkles surrounding the wound in a warm, tingling bandaid. The wound faded away as if it was never there. She began the process on her other hand, biting down on her lower lip. Just because she could heal herself didn't shield her from the pain.

"Rhea, to be a better fairy doesn't mean pushing yourself. It just...happens."

"Isn't putting in effort a key part of becoming a guardian? I mean, you obviously need to work hard." Rhea chuckled, steadying the swinging bag.

"You also need to trust Arcadia and fate will lead you towards the right direction. You can't just work hard and get your Enchantix." She placed her hands on her hips, a frown on her face.

Rhea recognized this look, straightening her posture and nodding in understanding.

"R-Right, sorry."

The girl's pink glossed lips curled into a forgiving smile, approaching Rhea and gently punching her on the shoulder.

"Don't be hard on yourself, okay?"

"Alright, Cleo."

Her brown eyes gazed out the window; fist propped up against her cheek. Cleo sat beside her with her headphones blasting some new album from one of Melody's many girl groups. From the corner of her eye, Rhea could see the second sun shine upon the castle they were quickly approaching. Its well crafted towers and sparkling windows were the first thing she noticed, such wonderful architectural features had to be admired. Alfea was truly a sight to behold.

The bus stopped in front of the giant crystal gates, allowing each and every fairy to exit the vehicle and grab their belongings. Rhea quickly grabbed her suitcases and gripped onto them as tightly as she could, feeling giddy to step inside of the school of her dreams.

"Aesthetically pleasing, isn't it?" Cleo chuckled.

"Very. I mean, it definitely screams 'fairy'."

"Just wait until you get a look inside. You'd mistake this for a Duke's castle." Cleo gently grabbed Rhea's hand, giving it a tight squeeze before guiding her past the gates. They passed several groups of students as Cleo guided Rhea to a line of fairies. In front of them was a woman whose face looked as sour as a lemon.

"That's Ms. Griselda. She ensures the enrollment of students here by confirming their name and origin."

"That's necessary?" Rhea asked with a raised brow.

"Surprisingly, yes. It's a security measure to make sure no witches are pulling pranks or to prevent a fairy from entering the wrong school. During her freshman year, my roommate thought this was Beta for some reason." Cleo snickered.

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