Chapter Two || Perception

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Background music (optional):

Forest ambiance:

City ambiance:


A gentle stream churns alongside you as you walk, boots softly disturbing the forest floor below. Starlight has begun to fade, trading places with a peaking orange glow on the horizon. You follow the stream for a good while until you reach it's source; a small cliffside face pouring soft ribbons of cool water into a shallow pool below. You round the perimeter, shuffling behind the flow to set your weaponry down against the mossy stone. Disrobing, you place your clothing nicely next to your bow and release your hair from it's tie to let it flow. Stepping forward, you're careful to not slip on the wet surface as you reach your left arm out to the falls, water splashing your hand and tracking down the underside of your forearm. It's colder than the basin at home, yet you're used to it. The discovery of this small spring has led it to become a staple for you, especially in the Summer months.

Cautiously, you lead the rest of your body to follow, stepping into the pool. The cold liquid envelopes your legs, rising to your waist. The waterfall taps upon your shoulder, caressing down your torso, flowing over every curve. You move to the side a little more so it hits the back of your neck, saturating your skin with it's chill. Tilting your head back, your hair becomes heavy with moisture.

Running both hands through your raven locks, your gaze pierces the sky. Clouds slowly inch along overhead, carrying the colors of the sunrise with them. You take your time, running palms over your robust form to wash the sweat from your pores. Closing your eyes, you let the water flow down your head to run over your face for a moment before pulling back to exhale, droplets flying from your lips.

Once finished, you trudge back to land, sliding a fist down your hair, droplets splashing at your feet before tossing the wet lump over your shoulder to stick to your back. Sitting against the wall, you wipe and flick a good portion of the moisture off, allowing your body to mostly air dry for a while, aided by a slight morning breeze as you watch the sunrise creep through the trees. You meditate as a good half hour passes before you deem yourself dry enough to dress. You replace the clothing upon your body as before, same with your quiver and bow, putting your hair back up despite it still holding some wetness. Hopping out from behind the waterfall to continue on, you traverse the uneven terrain, following an invisible path that only exists in your memory.

For a few good miles, it's just forest. Greenery sprouting as far as the eye can see. There's an occasional crunch of dry leaves under your feet, the orange, red and yellow shades beautifully shuffling down as the breeze snaps them from their branches above. You jog when you have the stamina, not wanting to spend too much time reaching your destination. Time passes quickly as the scenery through the trees in the distance just a few paces ahead becomes void of trees, swallowed by the sky. Coming to a slow, you find yourself standing high ground looking down to a city below.


Metal and glass buildings tower, glittering in the sunlight, flying cars hovering about unspecified roads between the structures. Within the mist, you can see a large traditional estate situated well within it's borders. The Shimada ancestral home. You safely make your way down, and soon enough, you're surrounded by the familiar atmosphere. Large holographic advertisements, chatter and bustling activity of the residents within, vents in the street alleyways hissing vapor.

A monorail train hums overhead, track glowing white as it hovers by. You turn down a pathway of shops, eyeing one specific entry to your left. You place your hand on the door, pushing it open to be greeted by a bell jingling from above your head. Upon shelves and tables, there's household appliances, both old and new upon the wall, some neon light signs and other décor. Stepping inside, your eyes tack onto some of the newer products. The prices are crazy, yet, things like that wouldn't have been an issue a mere decade ago.

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