Chapter Six - Spilled Milk

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[WARNING: One swear word!!! :(]
(Yoongi POV)

I bite my pen in frustration. Hoseok comes in as I close my lyric book.

"What's wrong? Writer's block again?"

"Worse. I can't stop writing." I reply.

Hoseok shuffles over to where I sit, "How's that a problem?"

"I just started writing and it just started being about her"

He glances over the lyrics, "These are good. You should use these in your next song"

"No!" I slam the book shut again, "If I do, then she'll know how I feel!"


"C'mon Hoseok, she doesn't feel the same. She doesn't want me." I sigh.

"I don't thin-"

"Yoongi!" A girl yells, walking into the storage room, "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Minsoo?" Hoseok asks.

Minsoo walks over to where we're sitting.

"What's that?" She asks, grabbing at my lyric book.

"Nothing!" I pull it away and hide it behind my back.

Sensing the awkwardness in the room, Hoseok tries to lighten things up.

"Minsoo! I haven't seen you since, what, high school? How've you been?"

"I've been so good! I've missed you guys though. Especially you, Yoongi" She passes a smirk my way.

The memories come flooding back. She was Hoseok's friend, and always was trying to get close to me. She asked me out several times, never quite getting the point. She would always bully others, putting them down to lift herself up. I had hoped she grew kinder since then, but apparently not.

"Sooo," She taps her acrylic nails against the table, "Do you guys want to go hang out? I heard the coffee shop next door is good."

"Actually, I'm sorry but I can't" Hoseok states, "I have to work the counter. We also have an important shipment coming in later today, but Yoongi can go!"

"No no no!" I whisper to him, "I'll watch the shop. You can catch up with her or something! Don't make me go!"

"Yoongi, you never watch the counter. Besides, the shipment is under my name and they need me to sign for it. Just entertain her for a bit."

"But don't you remember how she treated me in high school? I don't wanna go through that again!" I sneer.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi." He says before flashing a grin to her and leaving.

We walk over to the coffee shop, me dreading the entire thing. When we walk in, everything blurs as Y/N's smile greets me. Looking to my side, it falters for a moment before returning to me.

"Hi, what can I get you today, Yoongi?"

"Oh, you know him?" Minsoo jeers.

"y-yeah. Well, kind of." Y/N stutters. Cute.

We place our orders and head to a table, Minsoo practically clinging to my arm.


I watch as Yoongi and that girl walk to a table. She's hugging his arm the whole way. when they sit down, his back is to me and all I can see is the glares she sends my way.

I try to focus on making their drinks, but my hands are shaking a bit the whole time. Focus, Y/N! You knew you weren't his type! you knew he probably had someone better! you knew not to get attached, so there is no reason to feel heartbroken now.

I call out their drinks, her name is bitter on my tongue. As I hand it over to her, I accidentally drop it. The lid falls and her coffee spills all over the ground and her heels.

" god." She yells.

"I-I'm so sorry, I'll remake that immediately, It was just an accident" I apologize as I try to clean the spill.

"You should be sorry. We are leaving. Right. Now." She says, "You can't even get a little coffee order right, can you? People like you don't even deserve to know people like Yoongi"

He surely can't hear her over the loud pop music playing. The music we were going to change together. The music that I'll probably never hear now. Without another jab at me, she grabs onto Yoongi and drags him out of the shop.

(Yoongi POV)

"Why are we leaving?" I ask.

"That bitch spilled the coffee all over my new shoes, so I gave her a piece of my mind."

"You what?" I rage.

"I just told her the truth. You shouldn't be friends with someone like her, Yoongi. You can do better." She elaborated, "In fact, I'm still open if you want to-"

I run off back to the cafe. Which wasn't too far, seeing as Minsoo had managed to drag me just a block away. When I get there, I pull the door open. Except I can't. Because it's locked.

"What the..." I mumble.

Looking up, I see the sign on the door reading closed.

"Damn it!" I yell.

I try to open my phone to call her and apologize, but just my luck, the battery's dead. Going next door into my store, I try to find Hoseok.

Fluttering on the counter is a bright yellow sticky note:

Hi Yoongi!

There was an issue with the shipment so I had to go to the warehouse to confirm things. I'll be back soon! Don't miss me too much


"Ugh!" I wail. How can this get any worse? I made a mistake and I can't even fix it. Now she probably hates me and I've already lost the one person that makes me feel this way.

I've lost the only girl I've ever loved.

Coffee and Violets ~ Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now