1.) Confession

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Zayn Grey, This may not be a confession to you but to me it is, I am madly in love with you, You give me billions of reasons to live and experience this dark world with you, I didn't have hope in living at first but this new love you have been showing me for the part 1 year and 7 month makes me love you even more

I dream about your arms wrapping around me and protecting me from danger, I think about your sweet tender but passionate kisses you place on my lips and body that make me feel like I'm on cloud 9

I think about about every time we make love to each other and the most important thing I think about is your support ways, The way you are always there for me no matter what and you understand me better than anyone in my life besides my siblings, You have taken and accepted me for who and what I am despite my downfalls and bad sides

I never thought anyone would accept me for who I am but I was clearly wrong, Unlike other guys who picked up and left because of my mental issues, My depression, My D.I.D, My insecurities, My anxiety,  and my separation issues, You are there no matter how high strung I am

You are my safe place, Most people ask me why am I loyal to you alone even though we are miles apart but they don't understand what I feel about you, I'm not one to talk about my feelings but when it comes to you, You deserve to hear what I feel about you from the bottom of my Left and right atrium of my heart

The reason is because you have opened up my heart and my emotions to a different type of love that I've never experienced in life as a traumatized child who grew up around abusive men ever since I was a baby and even before I was born

You show me so much affection that I've never felt from any guy and it's so addicting that I just can't get enough of it, This love that you show me is like chocolate, I can never live without you, I'm obsessed with you, your love and personality

If you ever left I don't what I would with myself, I would feel like an empty soulless organism that is just taking up space on the earth's crust

I am absolutely honored to have the fortune of being called your wife and I hope and pray to God and the universe that we can stay together forever no matter what we go through, I love you Sooo much Zayn Grey

Your Loving Wife

Raven Grey

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