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Ron had been awoken by Harry, because he had slept in. Harry was already dressed and ready to go, so he had to wait for Ron to get changed. A few moments go by and Ron's opening the door to go eat breakfast. "Seriously Ron?" Harry laughed "I'll fix it later." Ron rolled his eyes, pushing Harry slightly out of the way. "Not so fast." Harry grabbed Ron's arm "What?" Ron whined "its going to drive me crazy if you wear that thing like that. Trust me it'll take like three seconds." Harry said with a smile. Ron rolled his eyes again, and told him to make it quick. Harry started to fix his tie and as he did so Ron looked at him carefully... it kinda made his stomach turn. Ron quickly looked away, Harry continued until he had fixed the tie. "Okay now let's hurry." Harry said as he started to walk down the halls. Ron wasn't that far behind him, Ron couldn't believe he had thought of Harry like that. They got to their table without too much trouble. "Seriously guys? You are always late." Hermione said, letting out a sigh. "Don't blame me, he was the one who slept in." Harry pointed, a tiny smile on his face as he did. "Blame me? You're the one who waited." Ron said pointing back at Harry. "Okay whatever, whoever it was, it needs to stop happening." Hermione said, slightly shaking her head. Ron rolled his eyes again, Harry watched him and let out a small laugh. They ate and then had to get ready for class. Mostly them listening to Hermione go on and on about how not to be late. Once we got there, we took our seats. It didn't take long until Draco started talking "So Potter, what's it like failing physics?" Draco smirked. Ron turned to him, Harry quickly grabbing Ron's sleeve. "Ron don't, it'll be fine." Harry whispered, Ron ignored Harry remark. "Shut the bloody hell up Draco, no one ask for to speak let alone be alive." Ron said, before he turned around. Draco was a little hurt by that, he couldn't let it show. "You're words don't effect me." He said quietly, leaning back in his chair. "What was that for?" Harry asked "He's a jerk, Harry." Ron said, letting out a sigh. Harry shook his head slightly "I know that but...that was pretty harsh." Harry said, letting go of Ron's sleeve. "I don't care. It's not like it's effecting me." Ron smiled at Harry. Harry let out a soft chuckle, finding his reaction funny. They quickly started to pay attention when Snape started talking.

A funny story... well, not reallyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن