The Morning After

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Y/n woke up with a pounding headache from all the alcohol she had ingested the day before. Her eyes were still struggling to adjust to the light coming from her window when she heard her mother's voice drifting up from downstairs.

"Y/n, I'm heading to the grocery store. Do you need anything?" As her brain tried to process her mother's words, she impatiently added, "I don't have all day, you know."

She mumbled, "No, Mum, I'm good. You can go." Her mother didn't respond; only the sound of the door opening and the jingle of keys in the lock reached her ears.

Great, she must be alone. After a while, feeling dizzy from the lingering effects of last night, Y/n finally decided it was time to muster the strength and get up.

Her eyes went to the dirty mirror. Thankfully, when she arrived home, she had the decency to put on a t-shirt, and she didn't go to bed naked. A spark of curiosity hit her, so she ran to check her phone.

However, there were only a few missed calls from her friends and a text message from Penny: "I saw you leaving with Alex ;) Did you two shag?" As she read that, she rolled her eyes. She definitely would've liked that ending, though. But she guessed the kiss wasn't bad. Still, he didn't contact her.

Shower time was definitely in order. She aimlessly wandered through the halls of their picture-perfect house. You know, the kind of place you'd expect from her family: everything freakin' immaculate, right down to the damn pool in their backyard. They lived in this fancy-schmancy neighborhood, but behind the flawless facade, reality hit hard.

Her father worked tirelessly all day, escaping to the pub afterward, often not returning until late at night. Her mother tried her best to always be there for her brother and her, hiding her pain. But no matter how hard she tried, they could sense the effects it had on her.

In the bathroom, she took a closer inspection of her face. All the makeup from the night before was now smudged on her face, and her hair was a complete mess. She looked like a skank. She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the welcoming shower.

The warm water cascaded over her, washing away the evidence of the night before. As the suds of shampoo lathered through her hair, she scrubbed away the tangled remnants, coaxing some semblance of order back into the rebellious strands.

She exited the shower with a towel wrapped tightly around her body. Finally, she felt like "herself" again, or at least what everyone wanted her to be.

She decided to put on her favorite Ralph Lauren sweater with some sweatpants. Just as she settled into her bed, her phone suddenly began to ring, and she hurriedly reached for it, hoping it would be Alex.

As she glanced at the screen, it displayed an unknown number, momentarily filling her with excitement and anticipation.

With a soft murmur, she cautiously answered, saying, "Hello?" "Hey, is this Y/n? I'm Alex," he hesitantly spoke through the phone. "Hey Alex, yes, it's me," she responded, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Oh great, I was worried you purposely gave me the wrong number," he confessed, relief palpable in his words.

"Me? I would've never done that," she assured him, giggling, with a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"By the way, sorry if I hadn't called before, but I just wasn't sure if you would've wanted me to," he explained, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

As his words reached her ears, a mixture of amusement and affection swelled within her. It was endearing how he second-guessed himself, but it also made her realize how much she wanted to reassure him.

"You have nothing to worry about, Alex. I'm glad you called," she reassured him, her voice gentle yet sincere, as she went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Also," he added, interrupting her search in the fridge, "I was wrong about something." Perplexed, she responded, "What do you mean?"

His words came out in a hushed tone, tinged with embarrassment. "Well, I had told my friends I'd be bored at the party, but then you came along and changed everything."

Finally finding some leftover pasta, she couldn't help but blush as she replied, "That's really sweet, Alex."

He seemed like a completely different person from yesterday: flirty and seemed like he knew what to say every time. But now he barely knows how to say a sentence without stuttering.

The alcohol must have a strong effect on him, but she can't say she disliked that side of him.

They continued talking on the phone for about half an hour when suddenly she heard the door opening. It was her brother, the black sheep of the family. He did the opposite of what people told him, always sneaking out of the house. Even though they went to the same school, there were more times when she didn't see him than those she did.

He didn't even care that their mother was the headmaster, not to mention all the booze or weed he has done. But no matter what, she still loved him, also because sometimes they smoked weed together.

"Oh, who are you talking to, your boyfriend?" he exclaimed as she rolled her eyes. "It's none of your business, Henry," she murmured so that Alex couldn't hear.

He smirk ed, taking her phone abruptly. "Hey, I don't know who you are, but leave my sister alone, thanks."

She felt her anger rise as she declared, "I'm going to kill you." With a smug expression, he retorted, "Oh, please. We all know he'll call you again."

He started wandering in the kitchen just as she had before. Frustration bubbled up inside her, and she blurted out, "Well, what if he doesn't?" She followed him, hoping to make her point.

"You're skinny, popular, and pretty. Are you telling me that a guy won't call you again?" His words caught her off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless.

Thankfully, he continued, "Trust me, he's probably agonizing over the possibility that you won't call him. So please, just drop it."

Taking a deep breath, she gathered her thoughts and replied, "First of all, you don't get to tell me to shut up. Secondly, he's important to me, and thirdly, you can't have that beer." She watched as he reached for a beer from the fridge.

"Since when has me drinking been a problem for you?" he retorted, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Since you started acting like an asshole," she shot back, not backing down. "But you can redeem yourself if you hand me--"

Before she could finish her sentence, her phone buzzed again, distracting her. It was a text from Alex: "Hey, is everything all right?" She felt a mix of embarrassment and relief.

Quickly, she replied, "Yeah, don't worry. It was just my annoying brother."

Almost instantly, another message popped up from Alex: "Thank god, I was worried. By the way, how are you? You weren't feeling well last night." His concern touched her.

She responded, "I'm alright, just a bit hungover. I think I might go for a walk to the corner shop. I need a smoke.Do you want to come?"

As she waited for Alex's response, she couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The prospect of his company on her walk to the corner shop brought a smile to her face. Moments later, her phone buzzed with a reply.

"Sure, I could use some fresh air. Meet you outside in five?" his message read. She swiftly responded with a resounding "Yes!" and felt a flutter of excitement in her chest. She couldn't wait to see him.

-new update next week 🫶🏻-

hey it's me jade,hope you liked this update nothing happens really but we get to know Y/N a bit better(also if someone like commented,because it seems to talk to a wall)

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