what's a Christmas? [StarBee]

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Starscream groaned and rubbed his optics. It was early in the morning and a cold wind had woken him up. 'Who left the window open this time...' He grumbled as he reached for the knob. If there was one thing he hated about earth it would be winter. Cold, dark, and worst of all, the frosty weather. Star fumbled with the knob, but nothing happened. He pulled, pushed and even shot the knob, but still it wouldn't budge. 'BEE! Get over here, the window is jammed again.' He got no answer. Again he called, and banged his fist on the window. A load snow tumbled down from the ceiling, right onto his head. 'WRAAAAAAAAH! STUPID SNOW, I'LL SLAG THIS ENTIRE PLANET IF THA-' 'Starscream?' Still fuming, Starscream turned around, and saw a little bot standing in the doorframe.

'You pull the window in, then turn the knob. It's quite simple, really.' Bumblebee closed the big factory window, and started clearing some of the snow that had fallen into Starscream's room. 'Thank you, Bee. I'm sorry if I woke you up with my unnecessary screaming.' Starscream apologised. Bee laughed. 'It's alright, just remember to close it next time.' Star blushed, and turned around. 'So, Screamy, Tuesday's the big day.' Bee said. Starscream quickly turned around again. 'Big day? What big day?' He added softly: 'And don't call me Screamy...' 'You know, the big day!' Bee frowned. 'And if I can't call you Screamy, shall I then call you Sweetspark?' Starscream could feel his face overheating, and quickly turned his head away. 'The point is, in two days I have something planned for us both, but we need lights. And one of these trees. Can you get those for me, please?' Starscream pouted, but one look at Bee's puppy eyes changed his mind. 'Fine, I'll get you your tree and your lights, but only this once, alright?' Bee cheered, and hugged Starscream. 'YES! It's going to be great, I just know it!' After a few seconds, Starscream even hugged him back.

If you'd ask the employees of the Witwicky Tree-farm, today would've been totally normal until about 14:30 in the afternoon. The reason's quite simple, because that's the time Starscream came around to buy a tree, carrying about twenty boxes full of lights. Here's how that went. 'I'm telling you, I'm not a Decepticon anymore. I'm just here to buy one of these trees.' Starscream yelled at the angry employee. 'I'm sorry pal, but y'aint gettin' in here with that badge plastered to yer chest. I'm here to keep the property safe, especially from goons like you.' He sighed. 'Listen, if you wan' a tree, you can get it. Just not here, y'understand? I-' 'Nickerson! What are you doing, sending customers away?' A sturdy looking man with a massive moustache stomped in, his face red with anger. 'Sir, y'see, this 'Con creep's tryin' to steal-' 'BUY a tree. For me and my... Conjunx.' Starscream interrupted. 'I'm sorry, but this man won't let me explain.' Employee Nickerson looked ashamed, his face still red from his angry outburst. His boss shook his head, then disappeared into the shed again. 'Look man, I'm sorry. But the 'Cons took so much from us, y'know, I can't take any risks.' Star shook his head. 'I know, much better than you can understand. But the war's over. I would, no could never harm anyone ever again.' The employee nodded, and opened the gate. 'Come in, I'll help ya with that tree you wanted.'

By the time Starscream and employee Nickerson had found the perfect tree the sun was already setting. 'Thank you for helping, mister Nickerson.' He said, stepping carefully over the fence marking the edge of the farm. 'No problem. I'm sure yer conjunx will love it.' Nickerson answered as he waved a goodbye. Starscream waved too, and transformed, taking to the sky in just a few seconds. 'Incredible,' Nickerson mumbled as he watched Star's silhouette get smaller to the setting sun. 'A 'Con that's nice and polite...'

Starscream however wasn't having such a great time. As he flew further from the town more and more clouds packed together. Tiny snowflakes fell, getting bigger and bigger as he went, almost turning into a curtain of snow by the time he saw a light. Unfortunately (and unknown) to him, this wasn't home. It was an old light post, half buried in the snow. But before Star could properly see what it was, a giant gust of wind caught him by surprise. 'Whoa!' He spun round in the air, seeing no difference between up and down as everything was the same white colour. He transformed, but hit his back on a boulder hidden underneath the frozen wet. Wood cracked, branches and bark flew around him, caught by the wind. 'No! Not the tree!' The remaining parts fell besides him, splintered and unusable. 'No... No no NO!' He grabbed the boxes lights from his cockpit, and almost started to cry. His fall had crushed all of them, leaving not one of the strings intact. His servos started to shake, and he fell to his knees. 'This isn't what was supposed to happen... What will Bee think of me now that I've broken all the things he needed tomorrow? There's no time to go back a- and get ne- get new ones...' A single tear travelled down his cheek. Then another, and another, until he couldn't control the sobs anymore. All he wanted was to show Bee he could be good, helpful, nice. But his hopes for appreciation shattered with the light bulbs on the light strings.

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