Being mute in an elementary school

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AN: Welp, this is the chapter about Takeshi's first day back in Teitan Elementary. Hope you like this. Now let's start the chapter!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

{For this book only} + **Hi!** = sign language or morse code

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had pov written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

That's all. Now enjoy reading!~

Disclaimer: I don't own DCMK it belongs to the great Aoyama-sensei~ I only own the story and my OC~

Narrator pov. In class 1-B~

"Class, this is Kirimura Takeshi-kun, he's mute so he can't talk, but I expect you all to still treat him nicely and make him feel at home. Understand?" Totani-sensei said as she wrote his name on the board and looked at the class.

Takeshi was standing next to her, looking nervous and annoyed as he thought 'I can't believe I have to go back to elementary again... And as a mute to boot...' the class replied, "Hai!" which seemed to satisfy Sensei as she said, "Good. Now Kirimura-kun, go to that empty seat by the wall." she pointed out the seat for him.

Takeshi looked up at her with a smile and nodded before he walked to his seat, the kids in the class' eyes following him all the while which made his eyebrow twitch, especially as he heard some whispers "(Can't talk) tte, is he that shy?" "Don't you need to talk to do good in class?" 

And the one that got the most reaction was, "If he can't talk, does that mean he never learned how?" that made some kids snicker and he swore he saw some of them move their mouths  slowly while looking at him as if "teaching him how to talk" 

He could only just ignore it and sigh as he finally sat down at his seat and the lesson began, though he wasn't paying attention since he already learned all of this.

Flashback time~ That earlier night at Yoru's~

"So, Takeshi-kun." She started as she served him his plate of stew she made for dinner, "Are you mute by birth or did you turn mute at some point? Your answer will help me in knowing an easy way for us to communicate."

Takeshi chewed as he looked up at her then held up two fingers to indicate that it was the second option, not seeing any harm in being honest about that.

Yoru nodded at that, "Sokka. For how long?" Takeshi thought about what and how to answer before he held up a finger and ran it on the table in a long straight line and Yoru guessed, "So, a year?" 

Takeshi smiled and nodded as he kept eating, it sure was already easy to communicate with her, though he sure wouldn't mind a more common and easier way if she had any.

Yoru then seemed to get an idea, "So, do you know sign language? It's something mute people are taught from what I know." 

Takeshi paused eating before he facepalmed, 'Why didn't I think of that?' he looked back up at her as he swallowed then nodded which made Yoru smile, "I know it too! It's a subject I made a presentation on and I took the chance to learn it!"

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