The Mysterious Figure

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Sampo is a famous actor, mainly known as the Main Antagonist in the show "Catch Me When You Can." He's also been in a few other shows, but he's mainly known for that role in that particular movie.

And because of his popularity, the owner of a famous museum allowed him to visit the museum whenever.

And today was the day when he finally got the motivation to stand up from his bed and get ready to visit this museum.

He got his clothes and towel and headed to the bathroom. Shortly after, while he was showering, he couldn't help but think about this museum as he ran his fingers through his hair. What was so special about this place? What made it so famous? He had nothing to do today and was very bored, so he decided to stick around in that place for fun and to waste some time there.

After his shower, he dried himself and got dressed, leaving the bathroom and doing a few things to keep him looking good. (he had to look as bbg as he could) After an hour, he finally left his house, locking the door and double-checking if the cameras and sensors were working correctly.

He got into his car and drove to the museum. He was still lost in his thoughts as he continued to drive. The owner said something about 'You will like it there. I'm sure of it,' to him. What was in the museum that could interest him so much that he'll like it?

As soon as he arrived, the paparazzi were already there, somehow knowing that he would come, but thankfully, the guards kept most of them away and helped him enter. "This way, sir. I apologize for the sudden crowd. They've been here, practically guarding the outside of the museum ever since Ms/Mr (R/N) invited you here."

"Ah, well, it's fine! I mean, I don't mind the paparazzi that much. Well, unless they post something personal. Thank you for guiding me inside, though."

"It's nothing, sir. We're glad to accompany you." The guards said before they arrived right at the cashier. The person working there immediately recognized him and remembered what the owner said, so they just smiled at him and spoke. "Enjoy your stay, sir." I guess this was where fame can get you.

From there, the guards showed him the entrance before leaving. As soon as they left, he put a cap on to hide his face before roaming around the museum. He thought that if he took pictures, he would be able to blend in with the others quite well, so that's what he did.

He continued to walk around the museum. Some things caught his attention, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. He was getting bored again before he entered an area full of sculptures of men, women, children, and famous people from the past. But none of those sculptures interested him more than the one in the center.

In the center of the room was this beautiful sculpture of a man, a Silvermane Guard from hundreds of years ago. What made it so different is that even if it was so beautiful and detailed, it looked so real. Too real. It looked like an actual person.

"..." He was stunned to silence. The chatterbox of an actor fell silent for once while staring at this sculpture. There was something about it that just made his mood sour, but at the same time, he couldn't help but adore it.

He felt amazed at how detailed it was. (Even his cock size, I mean- *ahem*) From how his hair was messy, but fixed at the same time, to his clothing. Clothing that he swore he's seen before.

There were many layers to his clothes, like the place the sculpture used to live in was so cold that even boots were part of his everyday attire.


It's eyes... It's like it told a whole story. A story that only he would be able to understand. 

He felt like he and the sculpture were the only thing in the room. No one nor nothing else.

And with that thought, he pushed his way forward, finally reaching the closest he could be to it. He read the description on the bottom of the figure. It read:


Silvermane Guard

 - A guard who protected Belobog from the Eternal Freeze. 1000 CE.


Now this made it more confusing for him. Why did this figure only have a single sentence for its description? It doesn't even have his name on here...

He took a picture of the figure and the description, sending a message to the owner of the museum and asking him,

"Why does this one only have one sentence for its description?" he typed, before sending it.

The other person replied shortly after, 

"Because nothing is known of him. Even if he was an important being from the past, we couldn't find anything about him. It's like he just disappeared completely." they said, before typing again and sending another message.

"The only reason we found out that he existed was because the artist of this work proved it to us, but even they can't figure out much about him." 

"'Like he disappeared completely', huh?" Sampo thought out loud to himself. 

Maybe he will take longer in this museum than he thought.


Once he returned home from his museum trip, he immediately opened his phone and checked the image of this guard again. He couldn't get him off of his mind.

"...Just who are you..." he asks himself, before closing the phone and looking up at the ceiling. However, what he didn't expect was to suddenly burst into tears once he did. It's like his entire conscience was begging him to look at the picture again.

He opened it again, and when he did, everything came back...

This guard from hundreds of years ago... wasn't just a simple 'guard'

This guard... was his lover who he failed to save.


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