By Hafsa Abdurrahman

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Chapter 1

Everything is just great. My life started as a human and now, I don't even know what I am. But I just accepted that life doesn't make sense.
It all began when I first moved to Beacon Hills. My dad, by adoption, found a job that suited him perfectly. He got a job at the Police Station. He became the Sheriff 's deputy there. I obviously went against moving. I didn't want to leave my friends Annika and Athena behind. But I guess I didn't have a say in this decision.
On my first day at Beacon Hills High School, my mom called me about five times.
"Mom, five calls on my first day? Really?" I said as I answered her fifth call.
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay, sweetie." she sounded worried.
"You said that the last four times you rang." I responded impatiently. I was rummaging through my bag to check I had everything.
"I've heard there's been animal attacks here." my mom confirmed.
" But five calls in an hour is overdoing it, don't you think? I asked her raising my eyebrows.
After a long lecture on manners, I cut the call. The Principal greeted me. He surely took his time.
I thought he looked a bit old to be a Principal. Old enough to be someone's grandfather.
He gave me a quick tour of the school and settled me in an economics class. The teacher was very…wacky. He was always so sarcastic I got bored very easily. He also kept chewing out this boy who sits in front of me, Scott McCall. It was like he had something against him. I felt very sorry for him.
I just followed my schedule though.
My next class was chemistry. The teacher there was always so negative. It was like he hated being a teacher. He continuously moaned about why he made the decision to become a high school teacher. I know I hated that guy.
All my other teachers were calm.
"I love your jacket! Where did you get it?" a sassy voice startled me. I whipped around to see a pretty girl with strawberry blond hair stare back at me in awe.
"Well my mom picks up my clothes from this store in France. My uncle works there so…" I answered her question. We both laughed.
"You are my new best friend." she declared. She stuck out her hand.
"Lydia." She introduced herself.
"Willa." I responded, shaking her hand. She added a layer of lipstick and slammed her pocket mirror shut.
"You should come to the lacrosse game tomorrow." she suggested. I shrugged and agreed that it was a good idea.
"I love lacrosse!" I lied.
" Actually, I was thinking of going to the field to watch them practice. We should all go!" Lydia exclaimed as soon as her friend Allison arrived. So we made our way to the field and saw a player smash the ball into the goal. Allison whooped with joy.
Suddenly, the coach, who is my wacky economics teacher, swapped the goalkeeper for another. The first person in the line, ran up to a point and swung the lacrosse stick, sending the ball flying. But it flew straight into the goalkeeper's lacrosse stick. My jaw almost dropped in amazement as Lydia and Allison  whooped, clapping.
The goalkeeper stared at me as if I were someone he knew.
" Who is that?" I asked Lydia.
" That?" she nodded towards the goalkeeper.
"That's Scott." Allison spoke dreamily. She then awkwardly sat up straight and shook her head.
Must have come back down to Earth, I thought.
" Trouble in paradise?" I said sympathetically. She nodded sadly.
Just then, as Scott stared at me, the ball smacked him in the face and he fell flat on his back. I held back a laugh as I saw Allison jump up and cover her mouth in horror. But, to everyone's surprise, he recovered quite fast.
Something inside me made me feel as if I knew Scott as well. As if we were long lost brothers and sisters. I pretended to get a text from my mom to break Scott's gaze. It made me feel uncomfortable.
" Guys, this was really fun but, um… I better get going. See you tomorrow!" I rushed off the bleachers and back to my car. I thrust myself in and drove home. As soon as I opened the door, my mom rushed over and grabbed my face. She turned it left and right, up and down.
" Why are you late?! Are you hurt? Did you get attacked? Were you hungry?" Mom stuffed a croissant into my mouth (my mother's family originates from France). I blinked rapidly in confusion and swallowed the croissant.
"Mom I'm fine, I just went to see a lacrosse practice." I plastered a fake smile on my face. Deep down I was hiding a sick face because I just swallowed a half-chewed croissant. My eyes twitched as it made its way down my chest. My chest ached terribly.
I filled Mom in on my first day. I thought it went fine but the image of Scott staring at me conquered my mind.
" So, like, this random guy was just staring at you?" Athena asked that night when I called her.
" Well… yeah, but it's like…he knew me and I knew him." I answered.
"Then maybe you've seen him somewhere." she told me in her thick British accent.
"Maybe. But it felt like…after I saw him staring I could have sworn I saw his eyes glow. When I saw that, it was like something inside me had to jump out." I informed her.
"Wait. So now you're seeing glowing-eyed boys?" she said it like I was insane. " Have you been drinking enough water? Cause, like this girl at the cinema was, like, so dehydrated and thought a poster was a real polar bear." Athena stared at me through the phone.
" You're probably right. I didn't get much sleep last night." I agreed with her. I heard Mom yell that it's lights out. I said goodbye to Athena and laid my head on the soft pillow. My mind raced as it thought of all these overwhelming things. I trashed all that and closed my eyes. I finally got some peace in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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