𖡼𖤣𖥧HC 8𖤣𖥧𓋼

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Jing Yuan first met yanqing in Cloudford. He heard a child crying from one of the crates. He walked over to the sound and found a small child who was in need of medical attention and care. Jing Yuan picked the small child up and took him to see Bailu. Jing Yuan stayed while yanqing was being healed. She asked for his name, but he did not say anything. Bailu asked Jing Yuan to get his name. Once Jing Yuan asked him, the small child his name. The boy said Yanqing. And ever since then, yanqing trained under Jing Yuan because he wanted to become a famous Xianzhou legend just like Jing Yuan.

He considers Silver Wolf his sister after he found out about Jing Yuan's relationship with Blade.

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