Spidey sense

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-Next day-
Y/n's POV

I tighten my tie to the best of my ability. I slept like shit last night because the place Miguel provided was less than comfortable. Better than sleeping on the street though. I take one last look in the mirror before heading out for school.
I stop by the office to get my schedule and locker number before heading to my first class.

"Room B114, AP Geometry."

I get there just in time to see Miles conversing with his roommate, Ganke Lee. I find a seat behind Miles and try not to draw attention to myself. But he notices me right away

"Y/n I didn't know you went here." Miles says in surprise

"Uh, just transferred." I answer quickly "Great not suspicious at all." I think to myself

He is turned around in his seat to talk to me. He sensed something but I'm not sure if he knows it's me before he could ask any questions class starts.

At the end of class he catches up with me and says

"Hey Y/n, I was wondering if you would like to sit with my friends and I at lunch?"

"Yeah, Miles that would be nice." I smile up at him. He smiles back and his beautiful brown eyes send a shockwave through me

"Well I guess I'll see you at lunch ma." He says. I'm still staring into his eyes and him calling me that make my cheeks go bright red.

"Uh, yeah. See you then Miles." I stutter. Then we part our sperate ways.

Miles POV
I wake up around 7 to realize I'm running late to school I grab a bagel and get dressed. As per usual Ganke my roommate is already dressed and ready to go. Ganke and I leave just in time to make it to school.

As Ganke and I start talking, I notice Y/n come into the room and sit a seat behind me. Me and her talk before class starts.

While she's talking to me, I get the sense that another spider person is around. I just brush it off though. Y/n seems pretty normal I don't want to freak her out by accusing her of being a spider person.

Ms. Carter comes in to start her lesson so we stop talking. Meanwhile, Ganke is trying to get information out of me about Y/n.

"She cute dude, you need to ask her out or something." He states

"I know man, but I need to come off cool you know."

"Ask for her to sit with us at lunch." He replies

"Aright." I respond
After class is over I find her in the halls and ask her if she wants to sit with me at lunch. I try to calm down my heart is racing. She says yes and I feel like I can finally breathe. But I can't help but look into her eyes. She is so pretty that it's hard to keep my eyes off her.

Hey guys I don't know how often I'll post but if you like the story let me know! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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