-||A Speedster's Feet||-

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 It was a long night, you came back from work and you were just minding your own business until you look through the glass of a tv shop, "An attack occurring at the Bridge of Holloway". Well, it doesn't like anything new ever since the Reverse Flash came, people getting hurt, damage across the city all of it seems to get out of hand but the normal Flash seems to be able to handle it just fine.

As you arrived at the bus stop you sat down and scrolled through your phone, you looked at the news saying that the situation was dealt with and Flash saved the day again but the bridge will be under mass repairs meaning the bus will be canceled, So you would have to walk home until.


as the flash showed up in front of you without warning, but you quickly calmed down as you notice it was your city-saver hero.

" No need to jump kid, I came here only to see if my counterpart came here since he ran off somewhere in hiding, you haven't seen him did you?".

"No, I haven't seen him, but you seem tense, would you like a message or anything?"

"My feet are very sore, so yes I would like that."

Flash took y/n and ran away to go to the high buildings, so they could get a nice clear spot, as they got up there Flash revealed his size thirteen US feet, and you couldn't help but stare at them, they were nice and wrinkly and big.

"So..you like them don't you?" he smirked at you while you were staring.

You couldn't say anything but just stare you quickly started to massage his feet.

"Ahhh...that feels nice thanks kiddo..".

You rubbed your hands all over and started to kiss them soft and passionately, you continued to rub your fingers in between his toes and lick his feet up and down .

"This feels nice...kiddo hehehe...quithihihihih ithehehehe".

You started to tickle his feet, you decided to tickle and kiss his foot at the same time.

"Heheheheheh....stoahahahahahahap....pleaahahahahahah!" you tickled and tickled his foot nonstop and He kept giggling like a little girl

I sat on his ankles and I watched him try to move his feet away but failed to do so

''hheehehehehe pleasahahahaahahah stohohohohhohohohohohop".

I continued tickling his feet as the day continued but I decided to stop and give him a breather.

"Alright, how about this I take you home and maybe we could arrange these sorts of hangouts".

"Alright sounds fair"

He put on back his shoes and picked you up, and dropped you off at home.

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