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!!Content/Trigger warning: Abandonment issues and overthinking/feeling like being an asshole

I feel like I'm being left alone, not cared for.
Go ahead, live your life!-
No, I'm fine really!
Only ignored..
Remember, you have a life other than me
Even if I want to be your life, only your life
Don't stop everything for me-

Ah, fuck.
No no no
Don't do this please no

I've done it too, I've ignored someone
Great, I'm the same.
No no, I'm sorry I'm an asshole
Oh fuck fuck fuck I hate this
Really I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-
I'm a bitch, I'm an asshole.
No please, I'm sorry I don't mean to
God fuck, I'm the same..


A/N] Feel like I've been ignoring some people, and I feel ignored aswell. So, felt like this was a good thing.
Any requests should be left here —>

Vent PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora