Dumb Bunny

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Sorry, this took so long I've admittedly forgotten to update this version of this story so you'll be getting a double update today so YAY!

Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter.



Two weeks. That hadn't felt real to Izuku it felt like the past two weeks had gone by far faster than it should've, he'd moved the Rig and all his stuff into the church, even knocked down that wall, and made a garage out of the storage room, all in two weeks.

It felt strange having an actual home again, over the past several years he mostly drifted in the Plymouth sleeping in the back of the car when he got the Rig he slept in the larger cabin of the semi.

Not once had he paid for a hotel room or rented a house so it felt different not a bad different just different. He also couldn't help the bubble of frustration that came up when his mind decided to wander back to two weeks ago when he came back from his 'trip'.

Apparently, while he was gone, villains attacked U.A.'s Unforeseen Simulation Joint and Class 1-A. Izuka and Izumi got caught in that and he was angry and frustrated that he wasn't there. The only thing that didn't make him go ballistic was the fact that neither of them had gotten hurt, but they had seen a few things that made him want to hunt down this Tomura Shigaraki and this League of Villains.

Unfortunately, that wasn't an option as he couldn't risk being caught. Two weeks hadn't even slowed the search for The Ghost Rider, and he doubted it'd stop anytime soon. Plus the news had finally caught wind of the Rider's Multinational Villain status, god the articles were filled with so much Hero criticism he felt almost sorry for the Heroes who had to deal with them now.

Though even if Izuku couldn't hunt Shigaraki and the League of Villains, he still marked his name in his list. Izuku never thought he'd have even written a name on the page of names he'd hunted personally while in Japan, he was so sure there wouldn't be as much crime as there was. He had read the statistics for crying out loud they had even stated that because of All Might and, even though he wasn't as mentioned, Endeavor the crime rate had gone down to six percent and had been rather steady the last few years.

Izuku stopped his train of thought, refocused on what he was doing, and resumed securing a wire to the church wall. Izuku had been doing his best to get the church into a more livable space for himself and one of those was electricity. He didn't need it for the internet or any quality of life things, he needed it so he could see at night without lighting his hand on fire and so he could work with his weapons.

A few years ago Izuku rediscovered his knack for industrial manufacturing when he worked in a factory for a few months before moving on. He even made a stun button that was actually very effective, so much so that he was rather surprised when he tested it out back in the states.

One year ago

Izuku stood with his hood up in an alleyway writing in a small pocket book as he muttered on about the voltage and power of the custom-made shock button, "Voltage is fairly high...not capable of killing however which suits my purposes as staying o-"

A groan of pain interrupted him, Izuku glanced down at the poor bastard who had just tried to rob him a few minutes ago and had become a test dummy for his shock button. Guy went down in two hits the first making him grab his stomach and shrink into himself the second one to the neck dropped him to the ground.

Izuku kicked the man in the jaw knocking him out and continued writing, "-off the police and heroes radar when not transformed..."


Izuku Midoriya: The Ghost Rider (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now