Above the Chinese Restaurant

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[Verse 1]
Mk is alone in his room, looking at all the old photos of him and his betrothed, Redson. All the dates they had at restaurants, or at home watching movies.

He thinks about how Redson went on that gods forsaken trip. He's been gone for ages, like he took the wrong way home. The long way. Mk misses him everyday, wishes he appreciated the time they were together just a bit more. Time they mostly spent in their shared apartment above the noodle shop
Mk inherited from his dads.

[Verse 2]
He decides to go on a walk, trying to admire the neon lights and noise he used to be able to hear as music. Remembering how Mei would always bring them food, how he really had all he could want. How even when things broke, like a piece of their roof once, Sandy would always fix it. How Redson looked beautiful no matter the weather or season. He could be wearing his favorite summer dress or bundled up in layers, getting covered in flakes of crystal white snow.

But, he had to go. He left in May and never came back from his long, wrong way back home. Mk reaches his destination, his beloved Redson's grave. He thinks long and hard about how he was never able to say everything, and he never can. He can only hope Redson knew how much he loves him, and how he'll always have a place in Mk's heart and their tiny apartment above the noodle shop.

Above the Chinese Restaurant Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz