Chapter 2

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As the train pulled into Mumbai's chaotic station, I stepped onto the platform with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The city's energy was palpable, surging through the air like an electric current. This was my new beginning, my chance to carve a path in the world of Bollywood.

Finding a place to live became my first priority. With the little money I had saved, I scoured the city for a humble abode that would serve as my sanctuary amidst the relentless hustle and bustle. Eventually, I stumbled upon a tiny, dimly lit apartment tucked away in a narrow alley of the bustling streets.

The apartment was a far cry from the glamour I had seen on the silver screen. It was a small, cramped space, barely large enough to fit a bed, a table, and a worn-out mirror that adorned the peeling walls. But to me, it was a haven—a place where dreams could flourish and determination could take root.

In that humble abode, I poured over scripts and rehearsed tirelessly, honing my craft with unwavering determination. Days turned into nights as I immersed myself in the art of acting, mastering each line and gesture, preparing for the moment when my big break would come.

But Mumbai was not an easy city to conquer. Rejections became a constant companion, echoing in my ears after every audition. I wasn't a star kid, born into the glitz and glamour that often opened doors effortlessly. No, I had to prove myself, to convince the industry that my talent was worth taking a chance on.

Film after film slipped through my fingers, each rejection serving as a test of my resilience. But I refused to let disappointment dim my spirit. I knew that perseverance was the key, that every "no" brought me one step closer to that elusive "yes."

It was during those challenging days that I discovered the true essence of my passion. Acting was not merely a means to fame and fortune; it was an art form that allowed me to delve into the depths of human emotion, to transcend my own circumstances and breathe life into characters that resonated with audiences.

As the nights grew longer, and the city's neon lights flickered outside my tiny window, I held onto my dreams tightly. I reminded myself that success was not an overnight affair. It was built on dedication, hard work, and an unwavering belief in oneself.

And so, in that small, rented apartment in Mumbai, I persisted. I embraced every rejection as a lesson, refining my craft and nurturing the fire within. Little did I know that soon, the tides would turn, and the world of Bollywood would bear witness to the rise of Gauri Tridevi, the girl who defied the odds, shattering the glass ceilings that confined her.

The journey had only just begun, and the city of dreams awaited, ready to unveil the next chapter in my extraordinary tale.


"Send the Ayam Cemani Black Chicken to table 5 Tridevi!"

I sighed, picking up the dish from the kitchen and taking it to table 5 before looking round the restaurant to see which plates needed to be taken away to be cleaned. To earn extra money before my Bollywood career took off, I was working day and night as a waitress and when I wasn't working in the restaurant, I was working towards my acting dream.

As I balanced a tray laden with plates, weaving my way through the bustling restaurant, I caught a glimpse of a man who seemed to command attention effortlessly. His presence exuded confidence and an air of privilege that set him apart from the crowded room. Little did I know that this encounter would mark the beginning of an unexpected connection.

As fate would have it, our paths crossed one another when I approached his table to take his order. The man looked up from the menu, his midnight black eyes meeting mine, and I felt a flicker of recognition pass between us. His name, I would later discover, was Omkara Singh Oberoi, a member of Mumbai's high society.

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