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San Francisco is looking other US Forces that can have a last effort to rebuild of what's left of United States.

With Esther Hopp and Isaac Lewis

Isaac Lewis: So, how you doing before?

Esther Hopp: well things at the manor are okay but I can't say the same for tails

Isaac Lewis: oh...

Then they hear knuckles screams

The police went in to investigate and find

Esther comes in and saw a message read written in blood say "SO MANY SOULS TO PLAY WITH SO LITTLE TIME WONT YOU AGREED?"

police was shocked

It was SONIC.EXE doing

Before that on same day

San Francisco has finally came in contact with Chicago National Guard (340,000) and it's current population (7,800,000)

And their leader is Miss Beverly (who is currently a Lot Colonel)

Mitchell: Hello. What's your full name Ma'am and please State your colony we are the San Francisco Safe Zone

Miss Beverly: Hi. My name is Miss Susie Beverly and I'm here to talk with my good orphan Esther and her father Andrew. Oh and I'm the one with the maids from blacklands manor orphanage

Mitchell: I see but communication are very limited but please State your colony first and are you a United States armed Forces?

Miss Beverly: Illinois and yes because I helped save the world and I have this Still

She shows her a medal of Honor

Mitchell: wow... I have that too in France

He shows him too

Miss Beverly: and I still have my scar from when Mr Hopps attacked me back when he was under THE ENTITY'S control

Mitchell: Yeah... Same goes from when I barely survived from X13 Missile attack's

Then Command came

Command: Mitchell what you do- oh you came contact with her in Chicago... Ma'am we'll be in touch for further engagements

The call ends

A days Later

Mitchell lead Miss Beverly to where Esther and her father live

Mitchell: here we are... She miss you years. Miss but they are really happy to see you... Especially myself

But he is having a rap battle with Esther

After that...

Mitchell: ... Man that was good


Mitchell came in contact with another colony in New York which military has over 4,000,000 troop and Civilian is 5,000,000


SONIC EXE: The legend Of EstherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin