Bungee Jumping

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This is really short but I'm still kinda proud of it soo :')

She overlooked her life one last time. Just then , she thought back to what she always wanted to do; bungee jumping. For years, she had always wanted to jump off a bridge and feel… something. A sort of adrenaline and excitement as she would plummet down. To know that no matter what, she would be safe. She wanted to feel the reassurance of the harness holding her up in the air as her body hung up. There would be nothing in her way, she could freely move and kick her legs without a disturbance. She always wanted to swing there, look down on everyone below and think “I am better than you. I'm up here, and you are all down there…” As she kicked the wooden chair below her, she focused on her swinging legs. Yeah, just like bungee jumping

Really Short Oneshots!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें